“There is a patient suspected of gastric perforation, but the nucleic acid is abnormal…” “Received! Prepare for surgery immediately!”

Under the coordination of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, the centralized isolation and treatment points in Baoshan Campus of Huashan Hospital have gradually transformed their functional positioning, from initially treating asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic infected persons to mainly treating positive patients with various underlying diseases Infected.

Photo provided by the interviewee (the same below)

On the evening of March 31, the centralized isolation and treatment point in Baoshan District of Huashan Hospital received To the emergency call: “We have a patient here who is suspected of gastric perforation, but the nucleic acid test is abnormal, and he requests to be transferred to a designated hospital for surgery.” After changing shifts, they returned to the station to rest, and when they learned that the situation was urgent, they all rushed back to the medical area.

The patient is a 45-year-old male with underlying diseases such as hypertension. During the closure and control of the community, he urgently contacted the neighborhood committee due to abdominal pain, and was transferred to a foreign hospital for treatment through 120, but the results were abnormal during the nucleic acid test before admission. Due to the acute, dangerous and severe condition of the patient, the Baoshan District Health and Health Commission coordinated the deployment immediately and transferred the patient to the centralized isolation and treatment point in the Baoshan campus of Huashan Hospital.

When he arrived at the Baoshan campus, the patient had been in pain for several hours, with a painful expression, profuse sweating, shortness of breath, and fever. The blood pressure can still be maintained, but the abdominal muscles are tense, and there are peritoneal irritation signs such as obvious tenderness and rebound tenderness. At the same time, due to the abnormal nucleic acid, the family members could not accompany them.

After the blood test in the laboratory department, Dr. Jun Jun from the radiology department was contacted for CT examination. The abdominal imaging feedback “free gas under the diaphragm, and the indication of acute perforation of gastric ulcer is clear”. This report determined that the patient had acute peritonitis, and the possibility of upper gastrointestinal perforation was high, requiring immediate surgery.

In the daily diagnosis and treatment of the hospital, perforation of the digestive tract is a common surgical operation. However, in the centralized isolation point, it is necessary to ensure that medical care is free of infection, and to complete the operation accurately and smoothly, which requires careful preparation and tacit cooperation from multiple departments. Qin Lunxiu, executive vice president of Huashan Hospital Baoshan District, led the confirmation of the operation plan. As the director of general surgery at Huashan Hospital, he is not only familiar with the epidemic prevention regulations and diagnosis and treatment procedures at isolation points, but also has rich surgical experience. After a comprehensive multidisciplinary discussion, on the premise of ensuring the hospital feeling standard, the medical and nursing team of Baoshan Hospital decided to perform an exploratory laparotomy immediately, and informed the patient’s family members for consent.

In the dedicated operating room at the treatment point, anesthesia-related equipment, consumables, and disinfection preparations were completed as quickly as possible, and the anesthesiologists in charge of the operation, Xiao Jun, He Donghua and Niu Ruibin, were waiting in full force. Within 30 minutes, all teams coordinated and cooperated, and all preoperative preparations were completed.

In special times, the difficulty of performing surgery can be imagined. It started under the leadership of Qin Lunxiu, Executive Vice President of Baoshan Campus, and the general surgeons and nurses cooperated closely. During the operation, the patient was diagnosed with gastric antrum perforation with severe abdominal contamination, which confirmed the judgment that the patient’s life would be in danger without emergency surgery. Doctors sutured and repaired the perforation and carefully rinsed the abdominal cavity. The entire operation took less than 60 minutes. After the patient was anesthetized and resuscitated in the operating room, the medical staff personally pushed the patient to the dedicated intensive care room at the treatment point.

At present, the patient is recovering stably, and the family members have expressed their gratitude many times: “The hospital, when my husband is not accompanied by his family members, is in urgent need of an emergency, and immediately organizes the operation after contacting us by phone. , making him turn the corner, this is really the luckiest thing in my life, thank you!”

(Original title: “This patient is suspected of gastric perforation, but the nucleic acid is abnormal…”” Received! Prepare for surgery immediately!”)

Source: Xinmin Evening News

Process editor: TF063