There are “two big and one small” on the body. In all likelihood, the kidneys will be a big deal! The first one is too common, and many people don’t take it seriously at all.

We all know that the kidney is a very important organ, but it is also a fragile organ. According to statistics, 1 in 10 people suffer from kidney disease.

Source: Yitu.comWhat’s even scarier is that you know Only about 1/10 of them have kidney problems. This is because the kidney is a very “endurance” organ. At the beginning of the disease, the symptoms are often not obvious, and many people wait until the kidneys are severely damaged before realizing the problem. Even some people are diagnosed with uremia…Actually, many tragedies could have been avoided if early detection and early treatment were possible. What we have to do is to detect the “clues” in our lives in time —Body appearance Changes, Beware of heart and kidney problems1. Big ankles When there is a problem with the kidneys, water cannot be metabolized normally, and it will accumulate in the body , resulting in edema. At first, it is more obvious in the ankles and eyelids. As the disease worsens, there will be systemic edema in the lower limbs and lumbosacral region. Source: Yitu.comIt should be noted that the edema caused by this kidney disease is >It is difficult to remove for a while, and after pressing the edema area, the sunken area cannot be recovered immediately. If it is the kind of physiological edema after waking up in the morning, it will usually disappear on its own quickly, and there is no need to nervous. 2. Nocturia In general, nocturia is related to kidney function. In the kidney, the glomerulus plays a role in filtration, and the renal tubule plays a role in reabsorption. If the functions of these two “components” decline, it will affect the concentration of urine, resulting in increased nocturia. Source: Yitu.comOf course, some people drink a lot of water before going to bed, and they will naturally increase in nocturia. This is a normal phenomenon. For the elderly, as the age increases, the kidneys will naturally age; in pregnant women, the bladder is squeezed by the fetus, resulting in a weakened urine storage function and the frequency of nocturia. significantly more. But if you do not belong to the above situation, you should be alert to the signal of kidney disease.

How to count “nocturia”?

  • Going to the bathroom more than 2 times every night after falling asleep ;

  • Waking up at night and urinating more than 500ml.

3. Reduced appetiterenal metabolism After being blocked, it will cause a lot of water to accumulate in the body, which will affect the stomach, induce edema in the stomach, and affect the digestive function. At this time, people may have poor appetite and abdominal distension. Therefore, if you suffer from indigestion and loss of appetite for no reason, you should pay attention to whether there is a problem with your kidneys. Don’t take it for granted that it is just a digestive problem. Source: OneMapIf kidney disease continues to worsen, nitrogen in the blood will increase, which will affect the gastrointestinal tract. Mucosal tissue develops irritation, leading to symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. 4. Urine discolorationNormal urine is a clear, pale yellow or colorless liquid. When urinating or drinking too little water or sweating too much in the morning, the color of the urine tends to be yellowish, which is the reason for the concentration of urine, and it usually returns to normal after drinking water. After eating certain foods or medicines, your urine may also turn yellow, red, or even blue and brown. If it is only a temporary phenomenon, then there is no need to be too nervous. Source: Yitu.cnHowever, if there is no clear reason If the color of urine continues to appear the following abnormalities, it is very likely that the kidneys are asking for help!

  • Red (females exclude menstrual periods and abnormal vaginal bleeding)

It may be caused by stones, urinary system (kidney, urinary tract, etc.) infections, tumors, etc.

  • creamy (and cloudy) strong>

It is likely to be caused by an acute infection of the urinary system.

  • Grey (in the form of lime water, washed rice) watery)

common in empyema, and possibly renal tuberculosisor urinary tract infection caused by obstruction or foreign body etc. 5. Bad smell in the mouthHalitosis is a common phenomenon, but if it smells like urine, it means that there may be a serious problem with the kidneys . When nephropathy worsens, the patient’s mouth and exhaled air often smell of urine. This is because, at this time, urea cannot be metabolized normally and is retained in the body, causing the breath to smell like urine. Source: Yitu.comThe 4 Habits That Hurt Your Kidneys the MostIf you don’t want your kidneys to collapse, change them quickly! 1. Often eat kidney-damaging foodsHigh-salt foods: Excessive intake of salt will cause Increase the burden on renal metabolism. Excessive high-protein foods: Protein metabolites are also excreted by the kidneys. If you take too much protein, the burden on the kidneys will increase. High-sugar foods: Foods high in sugar can cause weight gain, insulin resistance, and blood pressure, which can affect kidney function. Strong tea: Strong tea contains high fluoride content, and excessive intake of fluoride will increase the burden on the kidneys. 2. Do not like to drink water Drinking too little water will make the urine too full of calcium and salt The degree of increase, the formation of crystals, causing kidney stones. The urine color is 1~3, indicating that the water intake is sufficient. Image source: Yingku Vision3. Holding back urine Continuous holding back urine is not only easy to cause bladder damage, but also easy to cause Bacteria multiply, and in severe cases, may cause urinary tract infections and lead to nephritis. 4. Drug abuse According to statistics, about a quarter of acute renal failure cases are caused by drugs caused. Not only prescription drugs, but many over-the-counter drugs also have certain toxicity. The most common ones are antibiotics, antipyretic and analgesics, and some proprietary Chinese medicines that people take by themselves after a cold. In short, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions.

-Original Production by New Media Center of “Chinese Family Doctor” Magazine-

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