There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, but most people never imagined this reason in life.

The most difficult challenge for human beings is to lose weight.

Especially when you look down and see your belly overflowing from the edge of your shorts, or when you get up and find that you can’t lift the clothes you bought last year, it reminds you of one thing— —

You! Should! reduce! Fat! !

The problem is that all the time during the day is sold to the company, and the plan to lose weight can only be started in the free time after get off work, so night running, Compendium of Materia Medica aerobics, Pilates…. .. a series of sports all dedicated to the night.

Of course, don’t forget to check in in the circle of friends after the end.

But the question is, I worked so hard to lose weight and control my diet, why did I gain weight instead of losing weight after a month?

There are thousands of reasons for gaining weight, and this is really unexpected

Actually well-researched:Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, people who sleep 6 hours a day gain more weight than those who sleep 7 hours a day, and people who sleep 6 hours a day gain more weight People who slept only 5 hours gained more weight than those who slept 6 hours.

The reason why staying up late often makes people fat is mainly due to the influence of the following two substances.

1. Effects of insulin

The human body secretes insulin at night, which helps the body digest and absorb sugar.

If you often stay up late without sleep, it is easy to cause abnormal insulin secretion, which will affect the absorption of sugar, and the excess sugar will be converted into fat and accumulated in the body, and then will make people fat.

So for those who want to lose weight or keep in shape, it is best not to stay up late at night, try to go to sleep before eleven o’clock every night, and keep the sleep time at 8 hours or so.

2. Hormonal effects

Staying up late for a long time will stimulate the secretion of a hormone in the body. This hormone is ghrelin, which will promote the appetite of the human body.

And the body’s leptin secretion, which is responsible for suppressing appetite and promoting satiety, will decrease. Under the combined effect of the two, the brain will feel hungry.

At the same time, lack of sleep also affects people’s food preferences. People who lack sleep are more likely to choose high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich foods.

For a person who sleeps less than 4 hours for 2 consecutive days, the secretion level of ghrelin will increase by 28% at this time, making it easier to feel hungry, which will cause the body to gain weight rapidly. Therefore, people who stay up late for a long time are more likely to gain weight than those who do not stay up late.

3. Affects exercise efficiency

The biggest danger of lack of sleep is reduced physical performance, especially for weightlifting and ball games that may require balance, and a tired body can also bring many safety hazards.

If you don’t sleep well, you have to exercise forcibly, which will not only fail to achieve the desired effect of exercise, but also easily injured during exercise.

If you want to lose weight, sleep well

Some people will say; some people will really “make people haggard for Iraq” when they stay up all night!

Sorry, the weight you lose by staying up late is not fat, but your body’s precious muscles. Body fat still doesn’t change. On the contrary, it may make it more difficult for you to lose weight in the future.

Therefore, if weight loss is to be effective, health efforts are not wasted, and all we can do is—sleep well, and at a high quality of sleep.

So how can we have better sleep quality?

1. Try not to stay up late at night

If you always have insomnia, you can drink a glass of buffalo milk before going to bed, or soak your feet with hot water, which can effectively help improve insomnia;

2. Moderate increase in daytime activity

Reduce sedentary time, arrange some appropriate activities that are less prone to fatigue, and avoid keeping the body in one position for a long time;

3. Stay away from electronics before bed

Scientific studies have shown that the blue light released by electronic products can hinder the body’s secretion of melatonin, which in turn affects deep sleep, so that you are in a state of excitement before going to bed, resulting in a delay in falling asleep;

4. Adjust the bedtime environment

Adjust the lighting and sound insulation of the bedroom, as well as the comfort of the bedding, the shade of the curtains, etc. At the same time, the room temperature and bed temperature can be adjusted to keep the secretion of melatonin active and improve the quality of sleep.

So, what else to say? No more overnight stays! Get a good night’s sleep now!