There are nearly 10 million new cases in the world every year. How to treat the “tuberculosis” written by Lu Xun?

Tuberculosis is one of the world’s largest killers of infectious diseases. March 24 is the 27th World Tuberculosis Day with the theme “Life comes first, action for all, share health, end tuberculosis“.

In recent years, clustered tuberculosis epidemics on campus have occurred frequently, which seriously affected the health of students.

Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital Experts reminded that schools and students are the key places and important groups for tuberculosis prevention and control. Only with awareness of prevention and control can we reduce and gradually avoid the occurrence of tuberculosis in schools.

“Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most important type of tuberculosis.” Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital Deputy Chief Physician Fu Daiyan said that tuberculosis occurs in the lung tissue, Chronic infectious diseases of the trachea, bronchi and pleura, including tuberculosis of the lung parenchyma, tracheobronchial tuberculosis and tuberculous pleurisy.

The symptoms are mainly cough, expectoration of sputum for more than 2 weeks, and hemoptysis or bloody sputum, fever, night sweats, fatigue, etc., which are transmitted by droplets.

At present, the reported incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis among students in my country is about one-third of the reported incidence of the entire population, and the 15-24 age group accounts for about 85% of the total number of reported cases among students, especially those around 18 years old. group has the highest proportion.

Why are students prone to tuberculosis?

Fu Daiyan said that students are more likely to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis due to factors such as heavy learning burden, developing immune systems, limited protective efficacy of BCG, nutritional imbalance, and lack of physical exercise. Tuberculosis occurs.

At the same time, schools are places with a high concentration of people, and students are in close contact during school learning and other activities for a long time, so the prevention and control of tuberculosis in schools is the top priority.

Fu Daiyan reminds, to prevent and control tuberculosis, students and schools should pay attention to “early detection, early reporting, and early treatment”: once there are suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis, Teachers or schools should be informed in a timely and proactive manner to help other students get screened as soon as possible.

At the same time, go to a general hospital or a tuberculosis specialist hospital to further improve relevant examinations, and conduct regular anti-tuberculosis treatment as soon as possible after diagnosis.

The daily prevention and control of pulmonary tuberculosis in schools should do “five enhancements”:

Strengthen the physical examination for freshmen tuberculosis examinations with faculty and staff;

strengthen the health education on the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis among students;

strengthen exercise and nutrition, improve self-immunity, maintain a good work and rest and healthy psychology, etc.;

Strengthen the daily morning checkup, the investigation and registration of the cause of absence from work due to illness, and the management of pulmonary tuberculosis patients returning to school. After the occurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis patients, actively cooperate with the disease control department to carry out disposal work;

Strengthen the improvement of teaching and living environment, maintain indoor ventilation, disinfect the air (ultraviolet rays), and reduce the risk of tuberculosis infection.

(Edited by Rainbow.)

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital Zhang Weixia