There are more and more people with uremia, the doctor advises you: eat as little as possible 4 kinds of food, the kidney will appreciate you

Uremia, although not cancer, is more terrifying than cancer.

In the eyes of many people, this disease seems to be very far away from them. It should be a disease of the elderly and will not appear in our young people.

(Image source: Visual China)< /span>

Then maybe A statistic you need to know: According to the latest “Annual Scientific Report on Kidney Diseases in China”, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in my country is 10.8%.

This means that every 1 in 10 people in our country has kidney disease; and other relevant statistics show that in In every 10 patients with uremia, 4 patients are aged between 10 and 30 years old.

Why are there more and more uremia patients, and the population is getting younger and younger? The reason is inseparable from the following three aspects.


Why is uremia younger?

1. Holding back

Due to the existence of some metabolic wastes in the body, if these fluids and wastes cannot be excreted in time, it will increase the burden on the bladder, and may also allow the urine to flow back to the kidneys , which can lead to kidney problems as well.

2, stay up late

Sleep time at night can help eliminate body fatigue and allow various organs to repair and recover, which in turn promotes the body’s metabolism and helps the body excrete waste.

And staying up late for a long time can make the body The endocrine system is affected, and it is easy for the various organs of the body to not be repaired and rested, resulting in a decline in the function of the kidneys to eliminate toxins.

Over time, these toxins can become Accumulation in the kidneys and the body can lead to kidney disease and other diseases.

3. Alcoholism


According to statistics, people who drink at least 7 glasses of wine per week, People who are 30% more likely to have elevated serum creatinine are 30% more likely than those who drink only 1 drink per week or none at all! Increased serum creatinine is a strong signal of renal damage.

Alcohol metabolism and liver damage Toxic substances cannot be excreted, which directly increases the burden on the kidneys; long-term heavy drinking increases blood uric acid, and uric acid deposits block the renal tubules and form uric acid kidney stones. strong>Aggravate the occurrence of renal failure; heavy drinking can easily cause rhabdomyolysis, increase creatine kinase, and toxins aggravate renal damage.

Uremia (also known as end-stage renal disease) is a common outcome of chronic kidney disease, but Not all chronic kidney disease progresses to uremia. So, what factors can induce uremia?


< strong>Five factors that induce uremia

Factor One: Kidney Disease

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Nephropathy is the main cause of uremia. In the early stage of nephropathy, because patients do not pay attention to their living habits, the development of the disease is often accelerated, especially staying up late , work fatigue, overeating and other bad habits are more likely to cause uremia.

Factor Two: Hypertension

Ureemia is a common complication of hypertension, 50% of hypertensive patients may be converted to uremia, high Patients with blood pressure should actively cooperate with treatment to control blood pressure and improve their condition.

Factor Three: Urinary Infection

Urinary infection has a certain relationship with uremia, and both men and women may induce uremia.

In my country, chronic pyelonephritis is a uremia The second factor was 21.2%, and married women were more likely to suffer from urinary sensation and had a greater risk of developing uremia.

Factor Four: Diabetes< /span>

Diabetic nephropathy is the most common complication of diabetes, and Diabetic nephropathy occurs in patients with uremia, especially in patients with low glucose tolerance, the situation that induces uremia is very likely to occur.

Factor Five: Toxic and Side Effects of Drugs


Relevant statistics show that nearly 30% of renal failure patients have toxic side effects due to long-term medication, and cause renal function Something went wrong, and in the end, uremia.

Once uremia occurs, the “toxicity” is systemic.


Ureemia affects the whole body

Hazard 1. Skin

A uremic stage A complication, hyperphosphatemia, means that the phosphorus content in the body exceeds the standard and cannot be excreted through urine. Some toxins want to be excreted through sweat. If the phosphorus content is too high, it will cause skin itching , At the same time, the skin will also have other lesions in early summer, such as melanosis, plaque, purulent infection, etc.

Harm 2. Digestive System

Three channels through which the body excretes toxins,Urine, sweat, feces. When the main passage is blocked by urine, sweat and feces will take more responsibility. It may be just loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. With the accumulation of endogenous toxins, the gastrointestinal mucosa is gradually stimulated to cause fibrinous inflammation, and the formation of Ulcers and bleeding are also possible.

Hazard III. Blood System

(Image source: Visual China)< /span>

Patients in the uremic stage will more or less have anemia Symptoms, at this time uremia patients can only use erythropoietin to help the body make blood.


Hazard IV. Nervous System

Nervous system damage usually manifests as early headache, fatigue, irritability, severe insomnia, In the later stage, symptoms such as disorder of consciousness, coma will appear.

Harm 5. Cardiovascular System

uremic nephropathy, cardiovascular system It becomes extremely vulnerable and dangerous, and the symptoms of lesions on this system are mainly heart failure, arrhythmia, etc.

Although this usually occurs in the middle to late stage, once >Threats the lives of patients with kidney disease.

uremia once It was found that in addition to life-long dialysis, there is only a kidney transplant. In fact, there are precursors to uremia, which are the result of the combined effect of poor living and eating habits.


4 foods that are ‘uremia’ accelerators

Type 1: Foods with more salt

For example, pickles, salt can be said to be an essential seasoning in life If normal intake of salt, it is good for the body. However, today’s people’s diet is generally heavier, resulting in eating far more salt than the normal recommended daily amount.

This results in over-eating, which increases the burden on the kidneys, in addition, Excessive sodium intake can lead to electrolyte imbalances in the body, it is difficult for the body to excrete waterout, further increasing the burden on the kidneys.

Second: Foods High in Phosphorus

The human body needs phosphorus It is excreted through glomerular filtration. Long-term consumption of foods high in phosphorus will inevitably increase the burden on the kidneys, and will reduce the filtering function of the kidneys, which will affect the kidneys over time. cause damage.

Therefore, aquatic products, animal livers, egg yolks and dried fruits need to be controlled intake.

Third: Starfruit

Carambola contains a neurotoxin, also called starfruit toxin, which can cause damage to brain and kidney function. For healthy people, eating carambola has no threat and can be excreted from the body smoothly.

If you have kidney disease or have a history of kidney disease , It is best not to eat starfruit to prevent aggravation of kidney disease, or lead to the recurrence of kidney disease and life-threatening poisoning.

Fourth: Lamb

Lamb is a high-purine food that can easily increase uric acid levels rise.

At the same time, lamb also contains a lot of animal fat, It is not easy to digest into the body and increases liver metabolism.At the same time, it will promote renal arteriosclerosis, kidney atrophy and degeneration, and cause arteriosclerotic nephropathy. Therefore, when eating mutton, you must control the amount you eat .

Recommendation: Check regularly< /span>

Many people are unaware of kidney disease in the early stages to, but the most common fatigue, nausea, low back pain, foamy urine, increased nocturia and other seemingly inconspicuous small fault.

In fact, they are silently and powerfully reminding you: Your kidneys may appear The problem is, go check it now!

Comprehensive source: 39 Health Network< /p>