There are many benefits to drinking dandelion soaked in water in spring, but there are 5 types of people who drink it wrong and hurt their health. It’s better to know earlier

As soon as spring arrives, everything recovers, and all kinds of small wild vegetables also burrow out of the soil, attracting many people who love wild vegetables to pick up small shovels and dig everywhere.

Dandelion plays an important role in the wild vegetable family. Some people like to use it for cold salads and stuffing, and some people like to use it to soak in water to drink.

Dandelion is not only delicious and nutritious, but also has a good health-preserving effect, so it is called “the most humble and great merit” in ancient medical books!

What are the benefits of drinking dandelion water in spring?

1. Reducing Liver Fire

Spring is the golden season for nourishing the liver. Dandelion can enter the liver and stomach two meridians, and is best at expelling liver toxins and reducing liver fire. Therefore, when there is dry mouth and bitterness in the mouth caused by strong liver fire, short and red urination, etc., you can use dandelion to soak in water to drink.

2. Anti-inflammatory and purging fire

The wind is strong in spring and the climate is relatively dry. In this environment, the human body is prone to get angry, and there will be dry throat, sore throat, and sores on the mouth and tongue. Wait for the fire. The dandelion has a bitter taste, which can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce inflammation and sterilize, and help the body quickly get rid of fire. So in the spring, you might as well drink some dandelion tea, which can prevent the reaction of getting angry.

3. Tonglin and diuretic

Spring is the season for hair growth, and toxins in the body will also take the opportunity to grow and leak out. Doing a good job of detoxification during the spring period can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Dandelion is known as a detoxification herb, which can help the body detoxify, especially dandelion root is the most effective for detoxification of the liver. Therefore, in the spring, you can drink dandelion root in water, which can relieve stranguria and diuresis, improve the detoxification ability of the liver, and maintain the health of the urinary system.

4. Clearing stomach heat

Stomach pain caused by stomach heat and stomach discomfort can be drunk with dandelion water, so that It can remove damp heat in the body, clear stomach heat, improve gastric ulcer, as well as remove Helicobacter pylori and relieve bad breath.

In addition, women with gynecological inflammation and breast nodules can also drink some dandelion tea, which not only reduces inflammation and sterilization, but also reduces swelling. Like the dandelion leaf tea below It’s worth drinking.

Although there are many benefits to drinking dandelion water in spring, there are 5 types of people who drink it wrong and hurt their health. Do not drink

1. Enteritis patients

People with enteritis usually have diarrhea. If you drink it with dandelion water, it will aggravate the diarrhea. It is conducive to the recovery of the disease, and may induce chronic enteritis in severe cases, so it is best not to drink it.

2. People with spleen and stomach deficiency

Although dandelion enters the stomach meridian, it is very helpful for people with stomach heat, but it is not good for people with spleen and stomach deficiency. If people with deficiency of the spleen and stomach often drink dandelion water, the disease will be aggravated, causing discomfort such as diarrhea and abdominal pain, and harming their health.

3. People with low blood pressure

Dandelion, especially its rhizome, has antihypertensive effect, so it is best not for people with low blood pressure drink.

4. People allergic to dandelion

Although dandelion is a medicinal and edible plant, generally speaking, the safety is very high, but things are not absolute, there are very few People will have allergic reactions to drinking dandelion water, skin itching, urticaria and other skin allergies. So if you find yourself having an allergic reaction after drinking dandelion water, be careful not to drink it in the future to avoid allergies.

5. People who have been sick for a long time

The loss of yang energy in the body of people who have been sick for a long time is relatively large, and dandelion is cold. Drinking dandelion water will easily deplete yang, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

All in all, drinking dandelion water is a good way to maintain health, but before drinking it, it is best to understand your physical condition. If you are not suitable for drinking dandelion water, it is best to avoid drinking it. , otherwise it will be detrimental to health.