There are fewer and fewer aunts, and the cycle is getting longer and longer. It may be that this part is aging prematurely.

Today we will talk about premature ovarian failure.

Many people feel scalp tingling when they hear premature ovarian failure, because for women, the status of the ovary is very important, and once it starts to “decay”, there is no way to make ” reborn”.

Premature ovarian failure, as its name suggests, mainly refers to “premature” aging, which refers to the “failure” of ovarian function with abnormal gland hormones that occurs in women before the age of 40. Symptoms such as irregular menstruation may occur.

Hypofunction and insufficiency occur mainly because of the following reasons:

Genetic causes: Examples include Fragile X syndrome (a chromosomal genetic disorder), Turner syndrome (congenital ovarian agenesis), balanced chromosomal translocations ( A segment of one chromosome moves to another), etc.

Autoimmune factors: The etiology and autoimmune factors of some patients.

Idiopathic: In about 40% of patients, no definite cause can be found. It may be related to the environment (such as exposure to harmful gases from garbage burning, heavy metal pollutants such as cadmium, arsenic, mercury, or poor quality plastic products, etc.); or unhealthy lifestyles (such as staying up late, smoking, alcoholism, mental illness, etc.) pressure) and many other factors.

Caused by surgery: Some patients may have undergone radiotherapy and chemotherapy for malignant tumors, ovarian surgery, etc.

So, how can we sense whether our ovaries are functioning properly?

1. The most common symptom of premature ovarian failure is abnormal menstrual cycle, including the following symptoms:

Women have never menstruated during their reproductive years;

Have menstruation, and the cycle is normal, but before the age of 40, the menstrual cycle begins to become disordered, abnormal, and even has no menstruation for more than 3 months;

The menstrual flow is light compared to normal.

2. Estrogen deficiency and related symptoms, the more common ones are as follows:

Physical discomfort: such as osteoporosis, feeling hot flashes, feeling dry, sweating profusely at night, and poor sleep quality;

The urinary system is also abnormal, such as discomfort during urination, frequent urge to urinate, urinary tract infection, etc.;

Women’s lower body can also feel uncomfortable, hot and dry, which can lead to incongruity in married life.

Emotional discomfort: There will be changes in mood (irritability, depression, anxiety), difficulty concentrating, etc.

3. There is no good news about getting pregnant.

Premature ovarian failure may lead to female infertility, so if there is still no movement after trying to conceive for more than half a year, it should be taken seriously. Especially women who are beyond the optimal pregnancy age need to be more vigilant. After all, with the increase of age, the possibility of ovarian dysfunction will be relatively greater.

If you feel that you usually have one or more of the above symptoms on your body, then it is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination in time.

If premature ovarian failure has been diagnosed, what can we do?

First of all, it is recommended to go to the hospital to do some basic examinations, conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the body, conduct a preliminary assessment of the possible causes and the specific state of the body, and then carry out under the guidance of a doctor. treat.

Estrogen supplements

If there are corresponding symptoms, it is recommended to take appropriate supplements under the guidance of a doctor. It can not only effectively relieve physical discomfort, but also effectively prevent long-term complications (such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, osteoporosis, fractures, etc.) caused by estrogen deficiency.

It should be noted that the dose of supplemental estrogen should preferably be consistent with the physiological dose, which will also allow women to maintain a normal menstrual cycle until the age of normal menopause. ,It can also delay aging to a certain extent.

vitamin supplements

Premature ovarian failure patients are almost always accompanied by varying degrees of osteoporosis, so appropriate calcium supplementation is necessary.

It is recommended to supplement calcium with a calcium content of 1000-1200mg every day, plus vitamin D800IU.

If the intake of dietary supplements is insufficient, additional supplements can also be used.

Improving Lifestyle

Maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle, such as exercising and maintaining a normal weight; eating a healthy and scientific diet, consuming more high-protein, drinking 1-2 glasses of milk every day, and eating half a day Weights of dark green vegetables, quit smoking and limit alcohol; maintain adequate sleep, go to bed early and get up early.