There are elderly people at home who should pay attention to these first aid knowledge

If there are elderly people at home, you must pay attention to take care of the health of the elderly. We know these first aid knowledge.


Choke is when food blocks the throat or gets stuck in the stricture of the esophagus during eating. Once choking occurs, the average survival time is only 6-8 minutes. It can occur at any age, but about 75% occur in the elderly due to physiological and certain disease reasons.

The swallowing reflex and coughing reflex of the elderly are degraded to a certain extent, so food or medicine is more likely to enter the trachea. slow.

When an elderly person is found choking on food, the Heimlick maneuver should be used immediately. This first aid method was invented by Professor Heimlich in 1974, and it is a rapid first aid method used for suffocation of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract.

If the old man can stand: the first step, stand behind the old man, wrap his arms around his waist and abdomen from the armpit, hug the old man from behind, and make the old man lean forward; the second step, make a fist with one hand, Press the heart of the fist inward against the part between the navel and the ribs of the old man, and press the other palm over the fist; the third step, press the upper abdomen of the old man inwardly and upwardly with both hands, repeatedly, using the diaphragm to move upwards A rapid impulse is created until the obstruction is spit out.

If the old man is in a coma or the waist is too fat: first, let the old man lie on his back, straighten his neck, and kneel on the ground on both sides of the old man’s hips; Live on the upper abdomen (slightly above the navel) and press forward and upward forcefully and quickly; use the intra-abdominal high pressure formed by the impact on the abdomen to rapidly increase the airway pressure, so that the blocked food is discharged under the impact of the airflow; finally, open the mandible of the old man , If the foreign body has been washed out, quickly take it out and clean it up.


When the elderly exercise, under the premise of ensuring safety, they should pay attention to strengthening functional exercises such as balance ability, muscle strength, and endurance. For example, Taijiquan, Baduanjin and other exercises can be performed, as well as some small moves to prevent the elderly from falling.

The home is a common location for falls among older adults. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that the home environment can be remodeled for the aged.

For example, anti-skid treatment of the ground, installation of handrails in toilets, toilets, stairs, etc., to remove indoor ground height differences, to improve indoor lighting and lighting, to use night lights at night, and to replace unsuitable height and softness. Sofas, etc., remove items indoors that will hinder the elderly’s movement.

In addition, the elderly should minimize going out in rainy and snowy weather.

When the elderly go out, they should slow down their walking speed, wear non-slip shoes, keep their hands in their pockets, and use a cane when necessary. It is necessary to choose a road with flat ground, few obstacles, handrails, and good lighting. In particular, pay attention to walking slowly and standing firmly when going up and down stairs, escalators, and steps.

Night leg cramps

The elderly, especially the frail and malnourished, are prone to nighttime calf cramps. Current research believes that one of the main reasons is the decrease in serum calcium ion concentration, also known as hypocalcemia, resulting in increased nerve and muscle excitability. There are other reasons such as cold stimulation, wearing less clothes, not warm bed, playing mahjong for a long time at night, etc.; walking too much lower limbs fatigue, lower limbs bending for a long time during sleep and other factors, can also cause calf cramps.

According to reports, hypocalcemia is a phenomenon in which blood calcium is lower than the normal value, which belongs to the disorder of calcium metabolism. Because the physiological role of calcium depends on free calcium (ie, ionized calcium), hypocalcemia generally also refers to low ionized calcium, also known as free calcium below the normal value (<1.1mmol/L).

Hypocalcemia is often asymptomatic. The severity of clinical symptoms is not completely consistent with the degree of blood calcium reduction, but is related to the speed and duration of blood calcium reduction, which can cause neuromuscular system, cardiovascular system, bone and skin and soft tissue diseases, and voluntary muscle and smooth muscle spasm may occur. , lead to convulsions, epileptic seizures, can also cause asthma, severe symptoms can cause laryngeal muscle spasm to cause suffocation, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac arrest.

So, how to relieve calf cramps? 120 Tips, one is to press the Renzhong acupoint with the pulp of the thumb or forefinger until the acupoint feels sore; The thumb and forefinger press both sides of the heel and rub it up and down hard; fourth, get out of bed immediately after the cramp occurs, and push down on the ground with the forefoot of the affected foot.

How to prevent calf cramps in the elderly? 120 Reminder, if it is indeed caused by low blood calcium, it is mainly calcium supplementation. You can take calcium gluconate tablets, calcium lactate and other drugs orally. At the same time, you should eat foods with high calcium content and rich nutrition, such as milk, beans, dried shrimps, dried shrimps, etc. Kelp, etc. In addition, in winter, you should go to outdoor activities and get more sunshine to avoid cold stimulation and excessive fatigue.


People’s Daily Online: How to prevent falls for the elderly? Scientific exercise helps reduce risk”

People’s Daily Online: “What should the elderly do for nighttime leg cramps? Try these methods”

People’s Daily Online: “What should the elderly pay attention to when taking medicine while eating? Don’t eat and talk while doing activities”

Beijing Youth Daily: “The elderly are prone to choking, and we all know how to save themselves first aid”