There are 6 cases of asymptomatic infection in Jiangxi

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) There are 6 cases of asymptomatic infection in Jiangxi, all of which are Omicron variant strains

China News Service, Nanchang, March 15 (Reporter Wu Pengquan) There are 6 cases of asymptomatic infection in Jiangxi. After genetic sequencing, the infected strains of asymptomatic infected persons reported in the province are all Omicron variant strains.

At the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Jiangxi Province held on the afternoon of the 15th, the leader of the epidemic prevention and control team of the Jiangxi Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Headquarters and the first-level inspector of the Jiangxi Provincial Health and Health Commission Zeng Chuanmei said that the epidemic situation in Jiangxi Province is facing multi-point importation. In the past three days, five districts and cities in the province have reported imported new coronary pneumonia infections from other provinces, and the epidemic situation in some provinces around Jiangxi is still in the development stage, and personnel exchanges between provinces. , close exchanges and cooperation, import risks continue to rise, and the prevention and control situation is becoming increasingly severe.

From 0:00 on March 13th to 16:00 on March 15th, Jiangxi Province added 5 cases of asymptomatic infections imported from other provinces and 1 case of asymptomatic infections associated with imported cases.

Zeng Chuanmei said that after the outbreak of the epidemic, Jiangxi immediately launched an emergency response, and special classes at the provincial, city and county levels raced against time to deal with the epidemic. All 6 infected persons have been transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment; The 474 close contacts, 4665 sub-close contacts and key personnel who have arrived have been classified and implemented measures such as centralized isolation, nucleic acid testing, and health monitoring. At present, the nucleic acid test results are all negative; relevant places and environments have all completed disinfection work; , gene sequencing and personnel investigation and other related work are still in-depth.

Jiangxi urges all localities to strengthen the community inspection of people coming (returning) to Jiangxi from overseas and key areas, and the reporting and filing of entry into Jiangxi, and implement various management and control measures by category to ensure that key personnel are managed immediately when they enter or return to Jiangxi. Statistics show that from January 1 to March 14 this year, a total of 3.318 million people returning to and from Jiangxi were screened and 90,100 were under centralized isolation and control.

Jiangxi has also strengthened monitoring and early warning, and public places such as supermarkets, hotels, tourist attractions and other public places have fully implemented protective measures such as code scanning, temperature measurement, and wearing masks; nucleic acid sampling points have been set up at airports, railway stations and other entrances and exits throughout the province , to provide convenience for nucleic acid testing for those returning to and from Jiangxi; strengthen campus management, issue emergency notices for campus epidemic prevention and control, strictly manage access to campus personnel, and implement regular nucleic acid testing for teachers and students.

“While making every effort to prevent and control the epidemic in the province, Jiangxi, in accordance with the instructions of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, set up a 104-member anti-epidemic medical team to aid Jilin, and make every effort to support Jilin in the province and its counterparts. The two battles are ‘epidemic’.” Zeng Chuanmei said.

The reporter learned that in the next step, Jiangxi will make full use of big data and information technology to fully implement the requirements of community grid management, and the key personnel will be checked to achieve “personnel check, head check, location check”. To ensure that no one is missed; urge all localities to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures in public places such as tourist attractions, catering and accommodation, transportation stations, and key places such as schools, pharmacies, medical institutions, and centralized isolation points to ensure that the The epidemic situation was discovered and dealt with at the first time. (End)