There are 5 kinds of symptoms in the body, most of which are weak spleen and stomach! A special prescription for strengthening the spleen, it will be good after two weeks

Because of studying Chinese medicine, many of my friends will consult me ​​if they have any physical problems. During the Qingming holiday, I went to a friend’s house for tea. As soon as I sat down, my friend said excitedly:

Please help me find out what’s wrong with my dad, he has been listless in recent months , One person sits on the sofa all morning, others can take a walk in their 60s or 70s, my dad is only 60, how can he be unhappy all day long. Sometimes I take him out for a walk in the evening, and he says he’s tired before he walks far. I used to eat a big bowl of rice, but now I only eat half a bowl. Let’s see what’s going on.

His dad was embarrassed by him, and he said: I guess he is old, so there is no big problem.

But I see that the old man walks very slowly, and he can’t lift his spirits. It seems that there is a physical problem.

So I asked, “Did my uncle go to the hospital?”

My friend said helplessly: “I went to check it once, it was half a month ago, and the three highs were all normal. I asked him to go to another department for examination, and he said nothing, saying I’m fine.”

I asked again, “What does my uncle usually eat?”

My friend said: “The food is very nutritious. As children, we must not watch the old man lose weight. At first, I thought it was because of poor nutrition, so I bought a lot of nutritional supplements, but it still didn’t improve. “.

I understand when I hear this, the old man’s three highs are normal, which means that there is no major problem with his body as a whole, and his diet is also very nutritious, but he still doesn’t see any growth. Most of this is because the spleen and stomach are “deficiency and not replenished”, which leads to the lack of energy, and people are getting thinner and thinner.

There are 5 kinds of symptoms in the body, most of which are weak spleen and stomach

1. Fatigue and weakness

spleen and stomach Deficiency will lead to the incomplete digestion of the ingested food, and the inability to transport nutrients to the whole body, resulting in symptoms of thinness, fatigue and lethargy.

2. Loss of appetite

There is a sentence in “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine”, which is called “if the water, valley and sea are insufficient, food will not satisfy hunger”, which means that It is said that when one does not want to eat, it is mostly because of a weak spleen and stomach. I haven’t eaten food for a long time, but I still can’t feel hungry. It’s obviously my favorite food, but I can’t get my appetite.

3. Abdominal distention

As mentioned above, when the spleen and stomach are weak, indigestion will occur. The spleen and stomach are the organs that digest food. When it is not good, the spleen and stomach will accumulate a lot of food, so that the abdomen and abdomen are full and hungry.

4. Chapped lips

Chapped lips, Chinese medicine believes that “the spleen opens in the mouth, and its “Hua is in the lips”, which means that the color of the lips is directly related to the health of the spleen, and the health of the spleen can be seen from the lips in traditional Chinese medicine. When the lips are bloodless for a long time, there are cracks and other symptoms, the spleen needs to be checked in time.

5. Loose stools, sticking to the toilet

The spleen is in charge of transporting and transforming, in addition to transporting and transforming nutrition, it also transports and transforms water and dampness. After the spleen is deficient, the water and dampness will stop, and the moisture will be heavy, which will lead to sticky stool, which is easy to stick to the toilet and cannot be flushed cleanly.

Invigorating the spleen and stomach, Bazhen cake flat and simple, simple and simple

Any weak organ needs to be replenished in time, and the spleen and stomach are no exception. Of course, it should not be too large Supplementation and heavy supplementation will lead to “deficiency not being supplemented”. At this time, it is necessary to gradually supplement it.

Among the recipes for nourishing the spleen and stomach, there is an “Eight Treasures Cake”, which is very effective.

Why? Because this Bazhen cake is a common ingredient, but at the same time it can be used medicinally and is relatively peaceful. If these eight ingredients are reasonably matched and made into cakes, there will be no “deficiency and no supplement”.

Bazhen Cake has a long history, which can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty. The “Surgical Authenticity” written by Chen Shigong of the Ming Dynasty records that since he created Bazhen Cake, from princes and generals to bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen, it is very popular. I like to eat Bazhen cake, and there were experts on the forum before.

Especially in the Xitang area, Bazhen cake is very popular. Up to now, Bazhen cake is also a “dessert for digestion” after meals in every household.

The practice of Bazhen Cake is also very simple. Take 60 grams of Poria, white lentils, yam, barley, gorgon, malt, hawthorn, and lotus seeds, and add sugar according to your physical condition. After the above ingredients are ground into powder, add white rice flour, add water, stir well, put in a mold and steam until cooked. Each piece is cut into about 15 grams, one or two pieces after meals.

From the ingredients of Bazhen Cake, it can be seen that Bazhen Cake not only has yam, Gorgon, white lentils, as well as Poria, Coix seed for dispelling dampness, and even hawthorn malt for digestion and accumulation, are very comprehensive, both tonic and clear, with the effect of yin and yang reconciliation and supplementation.

I told my friends and the old man about this recipe, and taught them how to do it. I asked them to buy the ingredients and make them to eat, eat and see. After about half a month, my friend gave me the recipe two days ago. When I called, I said in a pleasant tone: Hey, you are really amazing. After eating Bazhen Cake for two consecutive weeks, my dad’s appetite has improved and his energy has gotten better and better, and he often goes out to find people. Chess, I walked a long distance with him at night, and now I don’t say I’m tired…

In fact, not only the elderly have weak spleen and stomach, but now they are busy with work, many people eat irregularly, and have a lot of spleen and stomach I will be a little weak to some extent. At this time, I might as well have a piece or two of Bazhen cake after dinner., strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and the physical condition will get better and better.

If you feel that it is troublesome to do it yourself, you can also eat the finished product directly↓