There are 4 major manifestations in the body, don’t think it’s old or a sign of disease, don’t take it seriously

“Old and old, this old man has cold legs. He gets cold at every turn, and he can’t keep warm when he sleeps for a long time at night.”

“Isn’t it true, my eyes can’t see things clearly now. , the shadows are heavy, don’t you think it’s strange.”

Uncle Wang chatted with the old Chen next door, and they all sighed: This man is old when he says he is old.

Aunt Liu, who was passing by, also echoed. “My waist has been in pain for several years. Sometimes it’s sore and swollen, and it’s uncomfortable when I’m old, eh.”

“That’s right, my son asked me to go to the hospital, I said This is because you are old, and it is not because you are sick, so seeing a doctor doesn’t help.”

Old Chen said in a sarcastic tone, “You can’t accept your old age.” All three of them laughed.

1. At the age of 60, a full-scale aging is like installing an “accelerator”

From birth, People are getting old all their lives. Some people say that the body begins to decline at the age of 30, and some people say that people over 60 are considered elderly. So, when exactly does aging begin?

It turns out that aging does not happen at a uniform rate. At 3 age points, you may find yourself getting old all at once. A 2019 study published in the journal “Nature Medicine” pointed out that at the age of 34, 60 and 78, there will be three “cliff-style” aging turning points.

The researchers analyzed the changes of protein content in the blood of 4263 people aged 18-95 and found that there were 1379 kinds of proteins that changed with age, and they were 34 and 60 years old respectively. And the 78-year-old peaked.

After the age of 60, you may often feel powerless, whether it is physical or mental, there are changes. Health Times describes that after the age of 60, the body has entered the stage of aging in an all-round way. If you don’t pay attention to health care, 60 years old may become a node from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Second, people tend to age, and there are usually 4 major manifestations

“Old” is every A fact that no one wants to face, because old age means changes in appearance, physical decline, and shortened life expectancy. When you find yourself exhibiting the following 4 major manifestations, you should pay attention, it may be a signal of aging, and you should take timely intervention measures to delay the speed of aging.

1. Gastrointestinal signal

At a certain age, the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract decline, and it can be clearly felt that the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is not as fast as when you were young, and the digestive ability It also gradually weakened, and symptoms such as bloating, constipation and other gastrointestinal discomfort often appeared.

2. Facial signals

With age, the soft tissue of the nose gradually loses its elasticity, and the nose seems to be damaged. After squeezing, it may become flat and the nostrils are more prominent. At the same time, large pores sometimes means that the skin is gradually aging. With the continuous loss of collagen, the skin loses its support and gradually becomes dry and loose.

3. Height signal

At a certain age, height seems to be inexplicable This is due to the weakening, thinning, and shortening of the discs in the spine with age. In addition, the back may also become more and more hunched, as the muscles in the back become slack and unable to pull back, the spine will naturally bend forward, resulting in a hunched back.

4. Foot signal

The foot also has obvious signs of aging, one is arch collapse, ligaments Slack, flattened instep; second, bending deformity of the toes, and thick calluses and corns.

Third, when these symptoms appear, don’t mistake them for being old

However, in daily life Some people often have symptoms that they mistakenly think are their own aging. In fact, it may not be related to aging, but is caused by disease. We must be vigilant and not miss any clues and let “aging” take the blame. For example:

·The dark shadow in front of the eyes is foggy

When you reach a certain age, your eyesight will continue to decline, and sometimes there will be a dark shadow in front of your eyes, as if there is a layer of fog The haze obscured the sight. In this case, it may be caused by floaters, cataracts or vitreous hemorrhage, and you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the treatment.

·Runny nose and sputum often with blood

For the elderly, due to the immune system When the temperature changes greatly, it is easy to have runny nose and phlegm. However, pay attention to the occurrence of runny nose and phlegm with blood in the sputum, accompanied by headache, unilateral nasal congestion, and hoarseness. , vision loss and other symptoms, should be alert to whether there is a skull base tumor.

·Lower abdominal pain and waist soreness

Older is not good for the waist, especially for elderly women, there may be occasional lower abdominal pain and lower back pain The feeling of soreness, should pay attention to whether it is related to pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is a degenerative disease, and the main focus is on prevention.Do pelvic floor muscle exercises to avoid overexertion. If the situation is more serious, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

·Cool and numbness in the lower limbs while walking

If you often feel cold in your legs and feet, and your muscles are sore and numb, you need to rest for a while after walking for a short distance. Be alert to lower extremity arteriosclerosis and occlusion. Lower extremity arteriosclerosis and occlusion are easily confused with leg aging or lumbar disc herniation. It is common in the elderly with hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other diseases. You should learn to distinguish and not simply think that it is a manifestation of aging.

Fourth, aging is inevitable, follow the mentality of academicians

Aging is inevitable, every Individuals eventually age. What does Han Qide, honorary chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, think?

When people age, not only the physiological function declines, but also the progress of certain diseases may be accelerated. With the general decline of immunity, the ability to resist infection decreases, and the risk of cancer, dementia and other diseases increases, and often multiple diseases may coexist.

Therefore, some elderly people may take seven or eight kinds of medicines a day, or even a dozen kinds of medicines, which is a potential safety hazard. Drugs have toxic side effects, and there may be superimposed reactions between drugs and drugs, and the effects of drugs may conflict with each other. The academician said that in seeing a doctor, the elderly must distinguish between primary and secondary contradictions and pay more attention to systematic analysis.

Academician Han Qide said that in the face of aging, make a difference and coexist peacefully with it. We can prevent premature aging caused by unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking, sedentary, etc., and quit bad habits. At the same time, advocate a healthy lifestyle.

The academician mentioned that starting 3 years ago, he had to do fitness training 2-3 times a week. After that, he could feel that his physical condition was constantly improving, and it seemed that the speed of aging had slowed down.

In addition to the physical level, it is also important to learn to face aging psychologically. Some people feel that they are useless when they are old, and they are unhappy all day long. Some people have a good attitude and maintain their love for life. Different attitudes will affect the quality of old age. Academicians believe that young people are good for young people, and old people are good for old people. When we reach a new stage of life, we must open our hearts to accept and feel, let go of the past, and welcome our longings. Live!


[1] “There are three “cliff-style” aging turning points in life! Do these 6 things well and grow old slowly! ” .Health Times. 2021-12-29

[2]”Health | These 7 signals from the feet indicate that the body is aging! “. Guangzhou Health and Health Commission. 2019-10-23

[3] “Han Qide: How to Face the Inevitable Aging”. Health Times. 2022-03-31