There are 3 manifestations in the body, indicating that the blood vessels are “hardening”! Do more blood vessels and like these 7 things, the body will be healthier~

Vascular, when we are born, like Like a new water pipe, it is smooth, unobstructed, and moderately flexible.

However, also like a water pipe , The blood vessels will inevitably deposit things over time, and arteriosclerosis will appear over time.


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Warning signal of blood vessel

Atherosclerosis is common and when it When it develops to a certain extent, the blood vessels become narrower and narrower, making it difficult for blood flow to pass through, and a series of uncomfortable symptoms may appear——

01Go fast chest pain

Coronary heart disease is a typical problem caused by arteriosclerosis .

When coronary arteries in the heart narrow, blood flow through If it is difficult, the blood supply to the heart muscle will be insufficient, and the patient will experience chest pain.

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especially during exercise or emotional In other cases, chest pain is more likely to occur, the professional name is angina pectoris.

Severe stenosis or acute occlusion of a coronary artery may also cause Acute myocardial infarction, or even life-threatening.

02Dizziness when turning head

The carotid artery is narrowed to a certain extent, and the blood supply to the brain is blocked, which may cause dizziness and other symptoms.

If the cerebral blood vessels themselves are narrowed, the blood supply to the brain will also be insufficient. Mild cases may have transient symptoms, while severe cases may become cerebral infarction.

03Cold, numb, and painful legs span>

If the elderly have calf muscle pain while walking, stop and take a break to relieve the pain Do not think that this is a normal manifestation of aging!

This may be related to stenosis or occlusion of blood vessels caused by arteriosclerosis!

Atherosclerosis and stenosis of lower extremity arteries, lower extremity ischemia , the patient will feel pain, and will increase during exercise, often need to stop and rest for a while, called intermittent claudication.

If atherosclerosis continues to develop causing severe narrowing of blood vessels in the lower extremities and occlusion, and can even cause lower extremity necrosis.

Note:Frequent leg cramps Be careful too, as in addition to calcium deficiency, calf muscle numbness, pain, and even cramping can occur when atherosclerosis occurs or when a blood clot is present.

How to protect blood vessels

01Move more, sit less

Exercise promotes blood circulation and helps the body detoxify.

Many people don’t like to exercise, they like to sit for a long time, and the blood circulation will be impaired. If it slows down, the garbage in the blood vessels cannot be discharged, and it gradually accumulates on the blood vessel wall, which will accelerate the blockage of the blood vessels.

Insist on exercising and make sure to take 6,000 active steps every day, at least a week Do 5 days of moderate-intensity physical activity for a total of 150 minutes or more.

If possible, do some high-intensity aerobic exercise , strengthen resistance exercise, 2 to 3 days a week.

02Stay away from alcohol and tobacco< p mp-original-font-size="17" mp-original-line-height="27">

Both cigarettes and alcohol can increase the risk of atherosclerosis by affecting the body’s lipid metabolism.

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especially in patients with chronic Drink alcohol.

Adults who drink alcohol should consume no more than 15 alcohol per day gram.

03Eat lightly

The so-called “light diet” does not mean no oil or fat, nor does it mean cooking without salt, but It is to put as little salt, sugar, hemp, spicy and other heavy-flavored seasonings as much as possible.

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” recommends that everyone: cultivate light eating habits and eat less High salt and fried foods.

  • < span mp-original-font-size="17" mp-original-line-height="34">Adults should consume no more than 5 grams of salt and 25 to 30 grams of cooking oil per day.

  • Control the intake of added sugars, no more than 50 grams per day, preferably below 25 grams.

  • Consume no more than 2 grams of trans fatty acids per day.

04nutritious strong>

A reasonable diet can also help protect blood vessels. Generally speaking, Our daily meals should include cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, livestock, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and soy foods.

  • < span mp-original-font-size="17" mp-original-line-height="34">Consume 200~300 grams of cereals per day, including 50~150 grams of whole grains and mixed beans, 50 grams of potatoes ~100g.

  • Include vegetables in every meal, and ensure that you consume no less than 300 grams of fresh vegetables every day, and dark vegetables should account for 1/2.

  • Eat fruit every day, and ensure that you consume 200~350 grams of fresh fruit every day. Fruit juice cannot replace fresh fruit.

  • Eat a variety of dairy products,The amount is equivalent to more than 300 ml of liquid milk per day.

  • Fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat and other animal foods average 120~200 grams per day, One ​​egg per day (without discarding the yolk).

05 Refuse to stay up late

Staying up late will disrupt the biological clock and cause the body to secrete Too much epinephrine and norepinephrine, which constrict blood vessels, slow blood flow, and increase viscosity. Accelerates hardening and clogging of blood vessels.

06Avoid stress

People with higher work pressures have an increased risk of arteriosclerosis. Factors such as stress are also more likely to cause plaque in blood vessels to rupture.

07Maintain a reasonable weight< p mp-original-font-size="17" mp-original-line-height="34">

Obesity can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis and other diseases. Appropriate weight loss can help to improve overweight vascular function of the patient.

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