There are 3 “golden partners” for boiled meat and stewed meat, which are fragrant and greasy! It can also nourish the stomach and remove dampness, don’t try too much

Meat is a must in our daily diet, but whether pork, beef, chicken, or seafood such as fish and shrimps, they all have a fishy smell when cooked. How can this be good?

Actually, there are also several “golden partners” for eating meat. They can not only help to remove the stinky smell, enhance the flavor and freshness of the meat, but also have a good health effect!

Eat meat has 3 “golden partners”


Fragrance leaves are the stems and leaves of Lauraceae, also known as bay leaves and bay leaves.

Scented leaves are fragrant and slightly bitter, which can remove the fishy smell and are often used in stews and stews.

Fragrant leaf is also a good traditional Chinese medicine, which can help the body to remove wind-cold and dampness, as well as appetizers and flatulence. It is suitable for people with heavy dampness in the body and loss of appetite.

It needs to be reminded that fragrant leaves are more flavorful, and the amount added during cooking should not be too much, otherwise it will cover up the taste of the food.

One or two slices are enough for a home-cooked meal. Taking powdered fragrant leaves as an example, it is enough to use a small fingernail to pick a small amount of meat for an average family to cook a large pot of meat.

Oxtail Soup

Materials: oxtail, yam, carrot, bay leaf, onion and ginger.

Method: Wash the oxtail, soak it in water for 1 hour, remove it and put it in a pot, blanch it with the ginger and cooking wine, put it in the pot, add the shallots, ginger slices, bay leaves, add water and cook for 3 hours Then add yam and carrots and cook until thoroughly, and season to taste.


Basil is also known as Jinbuhuan and Lanxiang, and is known as the “king of condiments”. There are many varieties. Common ones include sweet basil, clove basil, green basil, lemon basil, etc. There will be some differences in the fragrance of different varieties. .

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that basil has the functions of dispelling wind and relieving the exterior, dispelling dampness and neutralizing the middle, invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation, detoxifying and reducing swelling. It can help relieve symptoms such as cold, headache, loss of appetite, abdominal distention and pain.

Basil is often found in Western food and has a special aroma, with a slightly sweet and slightly spicy taste.

Boil fresh basil and seafood together to enhance freshness and flavor, and chopped young leaves can also be sprinkled directly on pizza, seafood, salads, soups, and have a unique flavor.

Dried basil can be combined with lavender, mint, etc. to make herbal tea.

Shrimp with Basil

Materials: basil, fresh shrimp, avocado, tomato, salad vegetables.

Practice: Cut off the shrimps and feet from the shrimp, rinse with water and fry until cooked for later use; add basil, sliced ​​avocado, salad greens, cherry tomatoes, salad dressing, etc. and mix well.


Cinnamon, also known as cinnamon, is often used as a spice in Chinese food to stew meat. Western food also grinds cinnamon into powder, called cinnamon, and sprinkles it on grilled meats, desserts, or coffee.

Cinnamon is not only a spice, but also a warming medicine commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cinnamon is hot in nature, acrid and sweet in taste. , benefit joints, warm waist and knees and other effects.

Modern people like to eat cold and cool food, and they often live in air-conditioned rooms, sedentary for a long time, and also keen to stay up late, depleting yang energy every day. Cinnamon, which nourishes Yang and warms Yang, is suitable for such people to eat.

In addition, for those who are frail and sick, and lack of qi and blood, adding some cinnamon to their meals can also help the growth of qi and blood.

Cinnamon Chicken

Ingredients: chicken, cinnamon, pepper, onion and ginger.

Method: Wash the chicken, cut it into pieces and set aside, pour oil in a pot, add onion ginger, pepper, cinnamon and stir-fry until fragrant, add chicken pieces, stir-fry until discolored, add a bowl of broth, a little soy sauce and simmer 15 minutes, season to taste.

The pictures in this article are all from

(Health Daily Push)