The Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention held the expert review meeting of the food safety evaluation report of Panax notoginseng

To scientifically carry out food safety assessment of Panax notoginseng The development and utilization of the food field promotes the healthy and rapid development of the Wenshan Panax notoginseng industry. The Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention held an expert review meeting on the food safety assessment report of Panax notoginseng on February 23, 2022. The meeting invited the leaders of the Food Department of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, the Provincial Health and Health Comprehensive Supervision Center, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Provincial Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Research Institute, the Yunnan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yunnan Agricultural University, Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kunming Medical University, More than 20 experts from Kunming University of Science and Technology and members of the project team of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Deputy Secretary Ma Yan of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Zeng Jianhui, director of the Food Department of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, introduced the project background, purpose and significance of the food safety assessment of Panax notoginseng at the meeting, and pointed out that Panax notoginseng is the flagship product of Chinese herbal medicine planting in our province. With the continuous expansion of scale and area, our province has become the main producing area of ​​Panax notoginseng and the trading center of Panax notoginseng raw materials. Panax notoginseng has a long-term traditional eating habit in our province. At present, it cannot be developed and utilized as food, which has become a bottleneck restricting the development and growth of Panax notoginseng industry in our province. The provincial and municipal governments at all levels attach great importance to the development of the Panax notoginseng industry. In 2021, the Provincial Health Commission and the Wenshan Prefecture People’s Government established the “Leading Group for the Application of the Main Roots of Wenshan Panax Notoginseng Into the Catalogue of Traditional Chinese Medicines and Foods” , and actively promote this work. After a lot of work in the early stage, the project team has completed the food safety assessment report of Panax notoginseng at this stage, and sent it to the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, Sichuan University and other relevant experts for external review. The main purpose of this meeting is to invite experts from different fields to review the content of the evaluation report, so as to make the evaluation work scientific, fair and transparent.

The experts at the meeting had heated discussions and exchanges on the reliability of assessment data, main active ingredients, pollutant detection, population consumption, assessment opinions, etc. Reasonable and standardized, detailed and reliable data, scientific and objective conclusions, and open and transparent evaluation process. And put forward specific revision comments and suggestions for the evaluation report.

Deputy Secretary Ma Yan made a summary of the meeting, and believed that the meeting was closely related to the key issues of Panax notoginseng edible safety, and the discussions were fully heated, achieving the expected purpose of “solving problems and reaching consensus” .

The successful convening of this meeting provides technical support for the next step in promoting the application of the national food and drug quality catalogue of Panax notoginseng, and will play a positive role in the healthy and rapid development of Panax notoginseng industry in our province.

(Author: Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene)