The “yttrium” key restarts the new student Academician Dong Jiahong said that liver cancer treatment has entered an “era of diversity”

Academician Dong Jiahong’s team performed anatomical liver resection for the patient. Photo courtesy of Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital

China News, Beijing, March 19th (Wei Wei) Zhao Qiang (pseudonym), a 35-year-old from Guizhou, saw snow in Beijing for the first time. “My wish has finally come true!” What made him even more excited was that on the 22nd National Liver Love Day, he was discharged from the hospital two weeks after undergoing anatomical liver resection.

Zhao Qiang is the first patient with primary intermediate and advanced liver cancer treated with yttrium [90Y] resin microsphere injection in China. On March 4, he underwent anatomical liver resection at Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital in Beijing. On March 18, he recovered well and was discharged from the hospital, and the “yttrium” key restarted the freshman.

As the chief surgeon of the operation, Dong Jiahong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, said: “After discussion by experts in multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment (MDT), it was agreed that his liver tumor was clinically cured. Regular follow-up after discharge is enough, no adjuvant treatment is required.”

Zhang Lin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Hepatobiliary Intervention, Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital, Beijing, said that in June last year, the patient was diagnosed with primary liver cancer (CNLCIIIa stage). , it no longer meets the criteria for liver transplantation for liver cancer, and at the same time, because the reserved liver volume is less than 40%, routine surgical resection cannot be performed. After several rounds of discussions, overseas experts and domestic MDT experts believe that the treatment of this patient with yttrium [90Y] resin microspheres is the best choice.

Yttrium[90Y] is a high-energy pure beta radioisotope. Yttrium[90Y] resin microspheres are composed of biocompatible resin microspheres containing yttrium[90Y]. In 2002, yttrium [90Y] resin microspheres were approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for marketing, and more than 100,000 patients have been treated in more than 50 countries and regions.

In September last year, Zhao Qiang performed a precision interventional operation of licensed yttrium [90Y] microsphere injection in Hainan. Zhang Lin said, “The entire surgical procedure was done beautifully. The microcatheter was precisely inserted into the target blood vessel of the patient’s liver tumor, and the yttrium [90Y] resin microspheres were successfully injected into the tumor blood vessel.”

What is even more gratifying is that the re-examination results in December showed that the patient’s liver tumor shrunk significantly from 10.81 cm to 1.8 cm before surgery, and alpha-fetoprotein, a specific marker for primary liver cancer. (AFP) also decreased from preoperative 180446ng/mL to 1469ng/mL. “In January of this year, when the patient was reexamined, the active tumor lesions completely disappeared, and the AFP decreased to 335ng/mL.” Zhang Lin said. In other words, the patient is eligible for downstaging surgery.

Academician Dong Jiahong said when talking about the operation that the team adopted a precise hepatectomy technical solution, which achieved complete removal of lesions while maximizing the preservation of healthy liver parenchyma, and effectively controlled bleeding. On the other hand, the success of this operation is also inseparable from MDT.

“After the patient was diagnosed with primary liver cancer last year, the team from Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital worked with the patient’s first visit to the Southwest Hospital of Army Military Medical University, Hainan Cancer Hospital, Boao Super Hospital, and overseas experts from many disciplines. Professors have been working closely together, and have held online and offline MDT discussions on patients’ conditions for many times, helping patients formulate the best treatment plan,” he said.

More importantly, experts have seen the role of yttrium [90Y] microspheres as a local treatment for advanced liver cancer.

“Over the past 40 years, our country has been at the forefront of the treatment of liver cancer in many fields in the world, but in the field of internal radiotherapy, there is a lack of a method such as yttrium [90Y] internal radiotherapy.” Academician Dong Jiahong Say.

According to reports, most patients with liver cancer are in the middle and late stages when they are discovered, most of them cannot be surgically removed, and the recurrence rate within 5 years is high. Interventional therapy has become a common non-curative therapy for these patients. Yttrium [90Y] microsphere injection precision interventional radiation therapy combines interventional and precision internal radiation therapy.

On February 9 this year, the State Drug Administration of China officially approved the launch of yttrium yttrium [90Y] microsphere injection. Yttrium [90Y] Microsphere Injection is developed and produced by Sirtex Medical Pty Ltd (Sirtex Company), an associate company of Grand Pharmaceutical Group, the listed entity of Grand Pharmaceuticals (China) Co., Ltd., and there are many tertiary hospitals in China that have the conditions for use or are actively preparing.

“This will enable a large number of patients with advanced liver cancer to receive more effective treatment, improve their cure rate and prolong their overall survival.” Academician Dong Jiahong said that liver cancer treatment has entered an era of diversification, and it is hoped that more Many patients benefit from it. (End)