The youngest is only 16 years old! Doctor: There are no symptoms in the early stage, and 70% of the patients are diagnosed in the advanced stage

Stuck up the deepest night and drank the strongest alcohol. Although a 35-year-old man has a successful career, he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer due to neglect of health management. The mother has hepatitis B, and the child is also a carrier of hepatitis B virus. The 16-year-old boy feels abdominal distension , He was finally diagnosed with liver cancer, and half of the liver was removed…

my country is a country with a high incidence of liver cancer, and liver cancer patients account for half of the world. Shu Ming, director of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Center of Ningbo No. 2 Hospital, found that among the patients with liver cancer diagnosed in recent years, the number of patients under the age of 50 has increased. Experts remind that most primary liver cancers do not have any symptoms in the early stage, and early diagnosis and early treatment are the most important measures to prevent and treat liver cancer.

At 35 years old, he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer

Half of the liver was surgically removed

recently , There are several patients who have undergone liver cancer surgery in the hepatobiliary surgery ward of Ningbo Second Hospital. Xiao Chen (pseudonym), 35, is the youngest of them. He is not young, but he has been in business for many years and has a successful career. Of course, the pressure at work is not small. Staying up late, drinking and socializing is his daily life. Before this hospitalization, Xiao Chen seldom went to the hospital. Because of his youth, he did not have the habit of regular physical examinations. He always felt that the big problem had nothing to do with him.

A few months ago, he suddenly felt exhausted like never before, especially lacking in energy, and his stomach also had a dull pain, which made him uncomfortable. Xiao Chen thought that he had drank too much the first day and didn’t take it seriously. It wasn’t until a few days later that the situation did not improve, so he went to the hospital under the supervision of his family.

Xiao Chen’s disease is not difficult to check. During a routine B-ultrasound examination, the doctor found that his liver had a mass of about 4 cm in diameter, which was located near the main supply blood vessels of the liver. Further examination revealed that Xiao Chen was probably suffering from liver cancer, which had reached an advanced stage, and because the tumor thrombus protruded from the bifurcation of the main blood vessels of the liver and the right liver supply blood vessels, surgery was impossible.

At such a young age, suffering from such a serious disease shocked Xiao Chen and his family. “The patient is very young, and we hope to help him win the opportunity for surgery.” Director Shu Ming said, according to Xiao Chen’s condition, he first took immunotherapy and targeted therapy for him, trying his best to shrink the tumor thrombus and relieve his condition. Fortunately, after 2 months of treatment, the diameter of the tumor thrombus in Xiao Chen’s liver was reduced from 4 cm to 3 cm. The tumor thrombus no longer invaded the main blood vessels of the liver, and only affected the blood vessels on the right side of the liver. conditions of.

Director Shu Ming introduced that the human liver has a strong compensatory ability, and even if half of the liver is removed, it may still meet the needs of the body. In order to evaluate Xiao Chen’s liver function, the doctor did a liver metabolic function test for him, and calculated that even if half of his liver was removed, the remaining liver function would be fine. A few days ago, Xiao Chen underwent radical surgery for liver cancer, and the liver with lesions on the right side was removed. The operation went well, and Xiao Chen’s recovery was also good. However, there is still a series of treatments waiting for him in the follow-up, and Xiao Chen still has a long way to fight against the disease.

Director Shu Ming (left 1) and the team rounded the room together. Photo by Sun Meixing

Liver cancer patients tend to be younger

The youngest liver cancer patient is only 16 years old< /p>

The Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of Ningbo Second Hospital performs more than 200 liver cancer resections every year. Judging from the age of the patients, the number of patients under the age of 50 has increased significantly in recent years. When Xiao Chen was hospitalized, the next bed was a 48-year-old patient with advanced liver cancer. His living habits were very similar to Xiao Chen’s. He never thought that he could be related to such a terrible disease as liver cancer.

“Staying up late, drinking a lot of alcohol, and contracting hepatitis B… these are all high-risk factors for primary liver cancer. A year ago, we treated a 16-year-old liver cancer patient.” Director Shu Ming said that It is a 16-year-old boy from junior high school who came to Ningbo with his working parents. He came to the hospital for examination because of abdominal distension, only to find a tumor with a diameter of more than ten centimeters in his liver. The boy’s mother has hepatitis B, and he is also a carrier of hepatitis B virus, but he has not been to the hospital for many years. Until the tumor of the liver was discovered, it was already in the middle and late stages. This is also the youngest liver cancer patient treated by Director Shu Ming in recent years. After the operation, the boy returned to his hometown with his parents, but the doctor still felt sorry for his experience.

Director Shu Ming introduced that there are no symptoms in the early stage of primary liver cancer, and about 70% of the patients are found in the advanced stage, so the prognosis is very poor, and many patients have missed the opportunity for surgery when they are found.

How to detect liver cancer early? Experts suggest that it is very important to strengthen the early screening of liver cancer. At present, the commonly used screening methods include serum alpha-fetoprotein detection, abdominal B-ultrasound, CT and magnetic resonance examination. It is recommended that the general population should have a serum AFP test combined with B-ultrasound examination once a year, and high-risk groups such as familial hereditary history, hepatitis B virus carriers, or long-term alcohol consumption should be tested every six months. Detection, if necessary, combined with CT, MRI and other examinations.

Source: Ningbo Evening News