The young woman’s ears were ringing every night, and it was a hair.

Tinnitus has always been a problem for the elderly.

But Ms. Lin (pseudonym), 28, from Fuzhou, Fujian, has been deeply troubled this week.

And the culprit,

is actually a hair in the ear canal!

“It feels like someone is playing a rubber band in my ear”

For a week, Ms. Lin always felt a foreign body in her ear. At first, she thought it was caused by lack of sleep due to busy work. But as time went on, it became more and more serious. Every night, I felt a thumping sound like someone was playing a rubber band in my ear, it was difficult to fall asleep, and I was restless.

In desperation, Ms. Lin came to the Department of Otolaryngology of the Third People’s Hospital Affiliated to Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nurse Duan Xiaoman found a hair in the depths of the external auditory canal after an ear endoscopy. , tied across the wall of the external auditory canal near the tympanic membrane, with the change of the mandibular joint and head position, the continuous stimulation of the hair induces tinnitus.

Considering the deep position, picking with gun-like tweezers is easy to cause damage. Easily lead to perforation of the tympanic membrane.

Nurse Duan Xiaoman chose the external auditory canal flushing method to try to flush the hair out of the external auditory canal; use sterile normal saline to flush the external auditory canal, and use the fluidity of the water and the flushing pressure to flush the hair with a length of about 3cm. rushed out. When flushing, be careful not to flush the foreign body directly, so as not to rush the foreign body into the depth.

“We see dozens of cases of discomfort caused by hair falling into the ear canal every year, and it is more common for boys. “

Nurse Duan Xiaoman told reporters that it is recommended to wear earplugs or cotton wool to block the external auditory canal before a haircut, which can reduce the amount of hair entering the ear.

If there is hair in the ear, if there is no inflammation in the external auditory canal, you can use clean water with a suitable temperature to drop into the ear, pour out the water, and then wet the thin-tip cotton swab to take the hair out.

Nursing Duan Xiaoman reminded,

If there is discomfort in the ear, don’t dig blindly.


Earwax has a certain protective effect on the ear canal. Under normal circumstances, earwax will fall off and be excreted by itself with the movements of the jaw joint such as opening the mouth and yawning. Do not insert a cotton swab deep into the ear canal. Clinically, it is very common for cotton swabs and cotton wool to be lost in the ear canal.


If water gets into the ear, you can turn your head to the side of the water, and jump on one foot for about 15 seconds to drain the water; generally, you can use a cotton swab to gently dip it in Wet, can effectively absorb local moisture to achieve the effect of removal.


If there are mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, moths, ants, leeches and other small animals into the ear by mistake. Don’t take it blindly. Don’t panic, keep in mind the words “Dizhao Songyi”.

“Drop” refers to the use of household vegetable oil, ear drops, alcohol, etc. to drip into the ear when a living thing is found in the ear to drown it. Come back to the hospital for treatment.

“Photo” is especially suitable for flying insects in the ear, that is, if there are moths, mosquitoes, etc., you can use a flashlight to illuminate the external auditory canal in a dark place to make it crawl out of the ear.

“Loose” means to relax, never dig deep into the ear canal with fingers or ear scoops to prevent it from piercing the eardrum.

“Doctor” means to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. In the hospital, the doctor can easily remove the foreign body with professional tools. If secondary inflammation occurs, antibiotic ear drops can be used to treat it.


Intensive care should be taken for foreign bodies in young children, and children should be educated not to insert foreign bodies into the ear canal; The foreign body was removed under general anesthesia.

Source: Fujian Health News