The work pressure is so overwhelming that I can’t sleep, the 30-year-old boy uses this method to sleep every night, and the result is tragic

The World Hearing Report released by the World Health Organization states that one in five people worldwide is hearing impaired.

With the influence of various factors such as work pressure, work environment, and ear health, people with hearing impairment are no longer the patent of middle-aged and elderly people, and there is a younger trend. Last Tuesday, the Gao Hong tinnitus and deafness studio of Zhongshan Hospital in Zhejiang Province treated 52 patients for half a day, nearly half of whom were under the age of 35.

Traditional Chinese medicine physician Gao Hong, the vice president of Zhejiang Zhongshan Hospital and the provincial famous Chinese medicine director of the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, reminded everyone that it is very important to save hearing, early detection, early prevention and early treatment.

23-year-old programmer stayed up all night for a week

can’t hear in my left ear

< p> “Our studio has analyzed the patients, and learned about their medical history, occupation, working environment, etc., and found that among the young patients, students who are engaged in the IT industry, wear headphones for a long time, and have high learning pressure are all hearing-impaired. Good crowd.” Gao Hong mentioned.

Last month, Gao Hong once treated a 23-year-old guy who was working as a programmer. Because he had to work on a project, he stayed up late for a week. As a result, he suffered sudden deafness. The ear suddenly stopped hearing.

After nearly a month of treatment in a foreign hospital, the hearing problem did not improve significantly. The guy found Gao Hong’s tinnitus and deafness studio for acupuncture treatment.

“The patient’s condition was relatively serious at the time. He covered his right ear, and his left ear could not hear at all. At that time, we did a hearing test for him, and the average hearing threshold exceeded 90 decibels. Clinically, the average If the hearing threshold exceeds 81 decibels, it is a very severe hearing loss.”

Gao Hong explained that the reason why the young man suffered sudden deafness is mainly due to excessive fatigue, which hinders the blood supply to the cochlea, and the cochlear nerve hair cells are not nourished , the rapid damage caused hearing impairment.

In response to the young man’s condition, Gao Hong formulated an acupuncture treatment plan for him, using his own “guiding qi and collaterals”, using a combination of abdominal acupuncture and body acupuncture, supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine to adjust the function of the viscera and dredging. Meridians, guide air into the ear, improve the blood supply of the ear.

After a course of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and hearing test again, the young man’s hearing threshold has dropped to 50 decibels. After continuing the treatment for a period of time, the hearing loss has turned to mild, and he can work and live normally.

Listening to music all night while sleeping

30-year-old man with severe hearing loss

“Wearing headphones for a long time to listen to music, or wearing headphones for a long time because of work Everyone is at risk of hearing loss.” Gao Hong emphasized.

Last week, a 30-year-old patient, Xiao Ni, came to Gao Hong’s tinnitus and deafness studio. Xiao Ni reported that he had tinnitus and hearing loss for more than a year. He had tried a lot of treatments before, but his hearing could not recover, and it continued to worsen.

After examination, Gao Hong found that Xiao Ni had low-frequency hearing loss. He further learned about the medical history. It turned out that Xiao Ni had a bad habit of using his ears unhealthy. “Because of long-term work pressure and insomnia, he must wear headphones and listen to soft music to fall asleep at night. He often listens to it all night long. Over time, he developed tinnitus and hearing loss.”

Gao Hong explained, “Once the earphone is worn, the ear forms a closed space. Whether it is intense or soothing music, it is played continuously for a long time, and the nerve hair cells of the inner ear are constantly stimulated. This is how hearing damage begins. The heavier it is.”

In addition to correcting Xiao Ni’s unhealthy ear habit, Gao Hong also formulated an acupuncture treatment plan for him with the method of “conducting qi and dredging collaterals”. After a period of treatment, Xiao Ni’s tinnitus symptoms and hearing improved.

Gao Hong reminds: When using headphones, the continuous use time should not exceed 60 minutes; the volume of the headphones should be controlled below 60% of the total volume, preferably below 60 decibels. “For example, in a noisy environment, if the headphone volume is turned up to 60% of the total volume and still cannot hear clearly, it is not suitable to wear headphones at this time. If the volume is adjusted higher, the possibility of hearing damage will increase.”

Gao Hong said that in clinical practice, he often encounters patients with hearing loss with a puzzled look, “I can hear it all, is my hearing good?”

In fact, Gao Hong said , Hearing damage mostly starts from high frequencies (above 2000 Hz), but our daily speech frequency range is between 250-2000 Hz, and there are fewer opportunities to come into contact with high-frequency sounds in life, so it is not easy to find. Once it develops to medium and low frequency damage, it will have an impact on life and work.

Gao Hong suggested that people who use earphones for a long time, people with tinnitus for a period of time, and people with a family history of tinnitus and deafness should have a hearing screening. It is possible to minimize the degree of hearing damage.”

Source: Zhejiang Medical Online