The wordsmith in the talking machine: typical, typical

As mentioned earlier, to write a good article, you must be good at using numbers. Today, I will continue to follow this topic and talk about how to avoid writing the article “floating”.

As I said in the previous article, the “empty” of materials is mainly manifested in the lack of “things” and the lack of “numbers”. The previous article mainly talked about developing the habit of counting and using numbers. Today, I will focus on the habit of mastering “things”.

With “things” in the article, the content will naturally not be “empty”. The “things” here are not short-lived or trivial things among parents, but typical “things” that can explain the problem. Note that when we talked about typical in the past, it was more understood as advanced typical, and the subject often fell on “typical person” or “typical group”, in other words, “typical” mostly refers to “person”. In fact, this is a big misunderstanding. The core content of “typical” in the true sense is not “people”, but “things” made by “people”; there are some models, which basically do not involve “people”, but simply talk about “things”. Moreover, there are not only positive ones, but also negative ones. As a text worker, when writing articles, you must not forget to use typical examples to support your views.

As we have the habit of collecting and using numbers, we should also develop the habit of discovering, collecting and using typical at any time.

Where does the typical come from? Typical from our daily accumulation. People in the drafting field have a unique advantage, that is, they have the opportunity to see some of the materials that leaders usually see, especially high-level internal materials. It should be said that the materials reported to the leaders are all positive and negative experiences or lessons collected by the grassroots. They are a ready-made “typical library”, and their content is much higher than ordinary media reports or hearsay. Persuasiveness is unquestionable. The habit I developed when I was working in the writing position was to browse newspapers and read internal references. The problems reflected in many internal reference documents, especially those of central-level media, are often very sharp and profound. Although most of them do not refer to the situation in our city, but the situation in other parts of the country or even abroad, most of them are of great reference value. Many of these elements can be classified as what I call “typical”, which can be flexibly applied to the manuscripts we draft with a little modification. In addition to the internal reference documents, there are also many high-quality typical reports in the published publications, especially the magazines such as “Looking” that I recommended earlier, which are all materials worthy of careful reading by the drafters.

It is not enough to master the typical sources, and it is necessary to develop the habit of frequently updating the “typical library” in your hands. When I was the director of the Political Research Office, I asked my colleagues to contact several comprehensive ministries and bureaus according to the division of work, and keep abreast of all kinds of materials they reported to the Municipal Party Committee. Excerpted, while eliminating in time the obsolete stuff from the typical stockpile of the past. And I myself focused on reading a few high-level internal references, and after reading the valuable articles, I handed them over to the relevant departments. In this way, we always have the latest practices in all aspects of the city, as well as the domestic and foreign trends in our hands. When drafting the manuscript, everyone cooperates and contributes their own models, so that the manuscripts we take out are as good as possible.” New”, “true” and “quasi”.

According to my experience, the competition in the drafting industry is actually different from what outsiders imagined. It is not about literary style at all, but about content. The content has flesh and bones. The bones are the frame structure and core viewpoints of the article, and the flesh is the numbers and the typical. In these aspects, whoever is one step ahead of others can become a master in the industry.

So, as a colleague in the drafting field, don’t forget one key word: typical, typical!