The woman’s thumb was squeezed by the machine, and the doctor performed a “stunt” to protect the finger

Recently, the orthopedic team of Lanshan District People’s Hospital successfully performed a pedicled abdominal flap to repair the skin defect of the hand for a patient with traumatic injury to the soft tissue of the distal segment of the right thumb. The shape and function of the thumb of the patient recovered well after the operation and have been discharged from the hospital.

Ms. Wei, 51, accidentally squeezed her right thumb by the machine while working, causing almost all the soft tissue in the distal segment of her right hand to be damaged. “When the patient was admitted to the hospital, the soft tissue of the distal segment of the right thumb had been damaged for 1 hour. If the treatment is not carried out in time, the consequences would be disastrous.” Li Dan, the attending physician of the Department of Orthopedics, said that the thumb is very important in the function of the hand, and its function probably accounts for all the functions of the hand. more than 50% of hand function. That is to say, once a person loses the thumb, the hand cannot achieve accurate pinching, grasping, grasping, holding and other actions.

“We immediately conducted a detailed assessment of the patient’s condition and decided to perform an abdominal pedicled skin flap to repair the distal soft tissue.” During the operation, Li Dan made an incision in Ms. Wei’s abdomen, and then carefully Covering the abdominal flap on his right thumb… With the joint efforts of the medical staff, the operation was successfully completed.

After the operation, under the careful care of the medical staff, Ms. Wei recovered well. On the 28th day after the operation, Li Dan successfully performed a “pedicle breaking” operation for the patient. Just like “ripening the pedicle”, Ms. Wei’s fingers were severed from the connected abdominal wall soft tissue. In order to thank Li Dan for his superb medical skills, Ms. Wei and her family specially made a pennant of “Finger Rebirth from a Broken Finger” to express their gratitude.