The woman took a nap on her arm and her right hand was paralyzed for 1 hour. If there is a problem, she should seek medical attention

#women napped on her arm for 1 hour and her right hand was paralyzed# Changsha, Hunan, a 39-year-old woman napped on her arm after cleaning at home, woke up 1 hour later and found that her right hand was unconscious, and was diagnosed with “radial nerve of the right upper extremity” Injury”, has gradually recovered after treatment. The doctor said that office workers, students and other people like to sleep on their stomachs with their hands on their stomachs during their lunch break, and it is easy to experience numbness in their hands, which can be recovered by proper exercise.

Editor in charge: Chi Hao

The woman took a nap with her arms and napped for 1 hour and her right hand was paralyzed