The width of the pubic symphysis gap reaches 4.8cm! Only a mother can understand the pain

Source: Xi’an Third Hospital

Recently, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traumatology of Xi’an Third Hospital received a consultation request from the obstetrics department. “It hurts to doubt life”. After the pelvic X-ray examination was given, it was suggested that the pubic symphysis was separated, and the width of the pubic symphysis gap was 4.8cm!

The patient had severe postpartum pain in the pubic symphysis. During bed rest, the lower limbs could not be straightened and could only be passively flexed. Lying on the side with hips bent and knees resting, it was difficult to turn over, unable to get off the ground, and the pain was excruciating. The special part of the pubic symphysis made Bao mother embarrassed to open her mouth, but Bao father did not understand the reason, worried about surgery and anxious.

After careful physical examination, Deputy Chief Physician Wang Jianfang and Chief Physician Zhao Fengjun gave a treatment plan of traditional Chinese medicine bone-setting manipulation, combined with external fixation and functional exercise. Zhao Fengjun, the attending physician, personally gave the manipulation operation, used the characteristic manipulation of bone injury, was patient and meticulous, massaged and relaxed, and reset the bone, and instructed the mother to perform the functional exercises of the pelvic floor muscles, rectus abdominis and low back muscles.

After 4 treatments, the patient’s pubic symphysis space was significantly reduced, the pain was relieved, and he could walk slowly , Re-examination of pelvic X-ray films showed that the separation of the pubic symphysis was significantly improved, and the width of the pubic symphysis gap was 1.7cm. In order to further consolidate the efficacy, it is recommended that patients continue to adhere to the treatment.

5 days later, the patient did another X-ray examination, the results showed that the pubic symphysis space was better than before, and the pubic symphysis space was better than before. Width 1.3cm. The symptoms were significantly relieved, the lower limbs could be straightened in the supine position, there was no obvious pain when walking down the ground, and the patient was discharged from the hospital soon after improvement.

The pubic symphysis is formed by the connection of the pubic discs on both sides of the pelvis by fibrocartilage. The female pubic symphysis has a certain mobility. In the late pregnancy, the pubic symphysis may be slightly separated, which temporarily increases the diameter of the pelvis to facilitate childbirth. The pubic symphysis space in normal people is 4mm~5mm, and it can be widened by 2mm~3mm during pregnancy. It is generally believed that the pubic symphysis space exceeds 10mm to cause symptoms.

Symphysis pubis separation is a complication in women in the third trimester. Expectant mothers secrete relaxin in the third trimester, which relaxes the ligaments and joints of the pelvis, which is conducive to childbirth. Some patients are too sensitive to relaxin, the ligaments around the pubic symphysis loosen, and slight external force can cause the pubic symphysis to separate, manifested as severe pain in the pubic symphysis, limited mobility, difficulty turning over, difficulty lifting lower limbs, and inability to walk.

I hereby remind all mothers that when there is pain in the pubic symphysis after childbirth, they should be checked in time and given regular treatment.