The “upgraded version” of Chinese medicine to prevent the new crown is here

The latest version of the traditional Chinese medicine prescription for the prevention of new coronavirus pneumonia is here, and it can deal with the mutant strain of Omicron that has recently become a demon. The general population can prevent infection by prescribing medicines.

The new crown Chinese medicine prevention and treatment plan is updated again

The new crown virus is constantly chaotic, which has recently caused many clustered outbreaks in Beijing. In response to the Omicron variant of the demon, the newly revised “Beijing Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment Plan (Trial Version 6)” was officially issued on May 5.

Among them, the updated prevention and treatment plan is based on summarizing the previous experience of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of new coronary pneumonia, with reference to the national “new coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan (trial ninth edition)”, the fifth edition The revision of the plan in order to further strengthen the precision and standardization of the treatment of new coronary pneumonia with traditional Chinese medicine.

Beijing Youth Daily reporter noticed that in addition to the clinical treatment plan for adults and children with confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections, the traditional Chinese medicine prevention and control plan is also specially launched for the population and ordinary people in key epidemic prevention and control areas. The new crown prevention prescription that can remove dampness and wind, detoxify and invigorate qi.

Omicron is indeed a “wind-heat and poisonous evil”

The prevention and treatment plan proposes that the new coronavirus pneumonia belongs to the category of “epidemic diseases” in traditional Chinese medicine. Entering through the nose, the lungs are stagnant and the spleen is trapped. Clinically, symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, and loose stools can be seen. Some patients turn into heat and close the lungs, resulting in severe conditions such as high fever, shortness of breath, wheezing, and even the danger of being trapped in the positive and evil, internal closure and external withdrawal. During the recovery period, symptoms such as deficiency of both qi and yin, and disharmony between the liver and spleen can be seen.

The Ormicron variant has replaced the delta variant as the main epidemic strain. It spreads faster, has strong concealment and is more infectious, which is in line with the pathogenic characteristics of “wind-heat and poisonous evil” in traditional Chinese medicine. . The wind is strong and the toxicity is weak. After infection, there may be no obvious clinical symptoms, or only moderate to low-grade fever, dry throat, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose and other upper respiratory tract infection symptoms. Typical pneumonia manifestations are rare, and the prognosis is good.

Prevention recipes for removing dampness and detoxification are suitable for all ages

In the prevention and treatment plan, a small preventive prescription that can “remove dampness, dispel wind, detoxify and invigorate qi” is given, which is suitable for centralized isolation and observation of crowds. Home isolation and observation groups, people in closed control areas, control areas, temporary control areas and prevention areas, and the general population.

Reference Recipe

Atractylodes 6g, Mulberry Leaf 3g, Su Ye 6g, Honeysuckle 6g, Huoxiang 6g, Nepeta 3g, Raw Astragalus 6g

1. Adults take one dose per day, decocted in water with 400 ml, orally, orally divided into two doses per day, 200 ml each time. Or Chinese medicine formula granules, take it according to the instructions. Take it for 7 consecutive days, and if necessary, take it for 14 consecutive days.

2. Children take one dose per day, decocted with 400 ml of water. Among them, for children over 14 years old, 200 ml per day, divided into two oral doses, 100 ml each time; children aged 5 to 14 years, 100 ml per day, divided into two oral doses, 50 ml each time; 1-5 years old For children aged 20 years, 50 ml per day, orally in two doses, 25 ml each time. Or Chinese medicine formula granules, take it according to the instructions. Take it for 7 consecutive days, and if necessary, take it for 14 consecutive days. For those younger than 1 year old, the doctor should decide whether to take the medicine and the method and dosage according to the individual situation of the child.


1. The number of stools in children increases after taking the medicine, more than 3 times a day, and the dosage can be reduced by half orally as appropriate. If other discomfort symptoms occur, it is necessary to determine whether to discontinue the drug or take further treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

2. Pay attention to dietary care, balanced nutrition, regular daily life, moderate exercise, adjustment of mentality, and psychological counseling if necessary.

3. Those who have a history of drug allergy should take it under the guidance of a doctor. Text/Reporter Li Jie