The uncle killed a pig and was kicked into a boiling water basin by the pig, and the wrong handling method caused shock

According to the latest medical data, more than 50% of women in my country suffer from breast diseases of varying degrees, and the number of patients is increasing rapidly every year. Walking into the gynecological clinic, you can also find that whenever the gynecological clinic of the hospital is always crowded, more and more young women are beginning to squeeze into the army of ”breast diseases”.

Experts pointed out that these symptoms of breast hyperplasia, you need to know:

1 , Breast tissue will have common discharge, and the discharge color is not uniform

2. Breast tissue, occasional severe pain, or tingling, except during menstruation

3. Emotional anxiety, instability, more prone to tantrums or depression

4. Obvious symptoms of irregular menstruation , long-term persistent disorder

The doctor said that mushrooms contain a lot of selenium, which can regulate estrogen in women, balance endocrine, and have a certain effect on breast nodules, but It varies from person to person.

My colleague, Xiao Zhang, is a lively and outgoing girl. Because she has the same hobbies and hobbies, she usually gets closer and likes to talk to her about anything. the other said.

Some time ago, I suddenly felt a dull pain in my chest, especially before and after my menstrual period. I didn’t take it seriously at first, and occasionally I mentioned it to Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang reminded me that it might be a breast nodule.

This time, I am very grateful to Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang also suggested that I eat more shiitake mushrooms, which are useful for breast nodules. When I checked, I didn’t expect to cure the symptoms but not the root cause. I was happy. The experts said that I was not eating right.

A natural master of loose knots? Expert: If you eat these 3 kinds of food regularly, the nodules may slowly dissipate.

1. Walnuts

Walnuts not only have the function of nourishing the brain and improving memory In addition to its role, it also has a very good relieving effect on women with breast hyperplasia. This is because walnuts are rich in two nutrients, vitamin E and vitamin B, which can play a certain role in clearing milk and dispelling knots.

2. Chicken liver

Chicken liver is not only rich in protein, calcium, iron, Zinc, vitamins, etc., also contain a lot of folic acid. If a woman eats more appropriately, it can supplement the folic acid content needed in the body, and it can also help women to relieve breast milk and disperse knots, hyperplasia or “go around”.

3. Kelp

Kelp, as a common seafood in life, has a very high nutritional value Rich, often eat some kelp, can have the effect of softening and dispelling knots, at the same time, it can also clear the blood and help eliminate lumps in the body, which has certain benefits for physical health.

Avoid breast nodules and prevent cancer, experts recommend this:

Additional Nutrients

2. Exercise detox

Why does exercise detox prevent breast disease? Because exercise can increase the speed of blood circulation in the body, help to quickly metabolize the wastes of the organs, enhance the vitality and immunity of the organs, and make the organs stronger, so as to truly prevent diseases.

3. Psychological counseling

The above mentioned the influence of mood on female breast hyperplasia, so irregular self-psychological counseling is an essential homework. Whether it is because of trivial matters in life or work and love, when you feel bored and irritable, you must clear your heart in time, don’t hesitate to solve things that can be solved, and don’t worry about things that can’t be solved.

4. Regular physical examinations

Some female friends are unwilling or unwilling to avoid doctors because of their busy schedules or taboos. Time to go to the hospital for examination, which brings hidden dangers to health. It is recommended that female friends must have regular physical examinations. If you find that there are nodules in the breast, or there are hard lumps, or you find that the breasts are painful, then don’t hesitate, go to the hospital for a detailed examination immediately.