The Tumor Minimally Invasive Center of Shantou Chenghai District People’s Hospital achieved full coverage of tumor treatment projects

Interventional therapy is the third largest treatment method along with medical treatment and surgical treatment. The reporter learned that, because of its advantages of less trauma, safety, high efficiency, wide indications and fewer complications, it has become the preferred treatment method for many diseases.

“There are relatively few hospitals in Shantou that can carry out interventional technology, and the development of this technology at the grass-roots level is relatively slow.” introduced by Zhu Guolian, deputy director and deputy chief physician of the Tumor Minimally Invasive Rehabilitation Center of the People’s Hospital of Chenghai District, Shantou City , At present, the center features “minimally invasive intervention”, allowing the treatment technology of minimally invasive intervention to benefit the grassroots.

In addition, the center has achieved full coverage of tumor treatment projects. By carrying out the diagnosis and standardized and diversified treatment of various tumor diseases, it fills the medical gap in the region and brings good news to the tumor patients in the region.

After the launch of the Minimally Invasive Tumor Rehabilitation Center, it has brought more diagnosis and treatment services to the grassroots people in Chenghai District through activities such as free clinics. Photo provided by the interviewee

Interventional treatment is precise and minimally invasive

“Surgical treatment relies on surgery, medical treatment relies on drugs, and interventional treatment is between the two, from the naming point of view It has the meaning of intervention.” Zhu Guolian told reporters that intervention refers to the natural seeding of the human body through the digestive tract, trachea, etc., or a small wound of about 1-3mm on the skin without surgery to expose the lesion. Under the guidance of imaging monitoring equipment (DSA, CT, magnetic resonance and ultrasound, etc.), blood vessels or non-vascular vessels directly carry out missile-like “precision strikes” on the lesions with problems or suspected problems.

Compared with traditional surgical procedures such as laparotomy and thoracotomy, which produce large incisions, the outstanding advantages of interventional therapy lie in precision and minimally invasive procedures. Zhu Guolian said that interventional therapy “must achieve the mission, free shipping for the whole body”, and can better avoid the key points, and the treatment process does not require surgery and general anesthesia.

In terms of specific applications, interventional therapy can be divided into vascular intervention and non-vascular intervention. Zhu Guolian said that interventional therapy is a “hemostasis”. Vascular rupture is one of the common problems of blood vessels, which can cause symptoms such as hematemesis, blood in the stool, hemoptysis, hematuria, epistaxis, uterine hemorrhage, traumatic hemorrhage, and iatrogenic hemorrhage. If not treated in a timely and effective manner, it often leads to hemorrhagic shock or even death. Interventional doctors use DSA equipment to accurately locate bleeding vessels and block them through interventional embolization, which can effectively stop bleeding and save countless patients with bleeding diseases.

For common female diseases such as uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, conservative medical treatment can only relieve symptoms, while radical treatment requires gynecological resection in the past. It is difficult for women to choose. The gynecological interventional therapy embolizes the blood supplying arteries of fibroids and adenomyosis lesions to make them atrophy with ischemia, with definite curative effect, small trauma and quick recovery. It has already been included in domestic and foreign guidelines.

Postpartum hemorrhage is a serious complication during childbirth and the leading cause of maternal death in my country. When conservative medical treatment is ineffective, life has to be saved at the cost of excision of the sub-organ, but minimally invasive interventional therapy not only successfully saves the patient’s life, but also preserves the sub-yan and preserves fertility.

As for abdominal aortic aneurysm and dissecting aneurysm, traditional open surgery has large trauma, many complications and high mortality. Endovascular repair of interventional therapy can also effectively isolate the aneurysm without a large knife, using a double stapler, leaving only an 8 mm incision, and has become the preferred treatment method for aneurysms.

Add equipment and attract talents to improve the treatment level

It is understood that the hospital’s interventional department is currently equipped with 1 DSA equipment, and the hospital is also equipped with multi-slice spiral CT equipment and particle implantation. System, tumor microwave and radio frequency ablation system, body cavity hyperthermia system, extracorporeal high-frequency hyperthermia and other advanced specialized treatment equipment; most peripheral vascular interventional operations and tumor interventional operations have been carried out.

Zhu Guolian introduced that in recent years, the hospital has strengthened the strength of interventional therapy through the introduction of equipment and personnel construction. While sending doctors to study, it has also cooperated with provincial hospitals such as Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Hospital to continuously improve the level of tumor treatment.

At the end of November 2019, the minimally invasive tumor center of the hospital was launched, and the development of minimally invasive interventional surgery was also advanced simultaneously. On April 28, 2021, the hospital’s interventional operating room officially ushered in the “interventional era”. On November 14th of the same year, the hospital hosted the 3rd Minimally Invasive Tumor Intervention to the East of Guangdong – Entering Shantou and Minimally Invasive Tumor Intervention Comprehensive Treatment Training Course, which was divided into two special sessions, Minimally Invasive Tumor Intervention and Colorectal Cancer Treatment, for discussion and exchange. experience in oncology treatment. On December 17 of the same year, the minimally invasive tumor rehabilitation center of the hospital, under the leadership of the Guangdong Chaolian Association Health Committee, conducted the first trial operation of online multidisciplinary telemedicine consultation for difficult cases. It is a useful attempt to improve the diagnosis and treatment capabilities of difficult and severe cases and build a referral channel for difficult cases.

Zhu Guolian said that over the past two years, the Minimally Invasive Oncology Rehabilitation Center has received all-round expert assistance through two-way referrals and expert teleconsultation, and a number of new technologies have come to fruition. The comprehensive service capability has been rapidly improved. “We hope to realize that patients only need to go to one hospital.” He believes that minimally invasive intervention has more room for comprehensive tumor treatment in primary medical units. Convenient access to high-end specialist medical services.

[Reporter] Wang Hanqi