The trachea was crushed by a huge tumor, and they urgently cooperated to find a “life-saving” stent…

As the saying goes, “If you don’t have enough qi and blood, you will grow old quickly.”

So what are the symptoms of a woman’s lack of qi and blood?

Women with insufficient qi and blood will have a very poor complexion, pale lips, lack of luster, and even dark spots on the face, weakness in the limbs, and listlessness all day long Yes, wherever they go, they want to lie down and lean on them, and even some women suffer from anemia, dysmenorrhea, cold hands and feet, and may not be hot all night, wake up easily when sleeping, and lack energy.

What are the reasons for the lack of qi and blood in women?

First, the spleen and stomach are injured

The blood in our body comes from eating a variety of nutrients, and the digestion and absorption of food, it It needs the spleen and stomach to transform.

Once the spleen and stomach are injured, the food we eat will not be fully absorbed and digested, and qi and blood will naturally become insufficient in the long run, so we should not develop the habit of eating too much in our diet.

Second, bad mood

This is the most easily overlooked point. Bad mood is an invisible bomb to our body. If you are often angry or in a bad mood, it is likely to cause liver qi stagnation, which will lead to disharmony between our spleen and stomach, and eventually lead to insufficient qi and blood.

Third, there will be too much thinking

There are too many things to think about and put everything aside on the heart.

Fourth, sleep late

Modern people are actually quite stressed, but staying up late and going to bed late will consume a lot of qi and blood.

Fifth, long-term illness after surgery

If the body is not recuperated in time after surgery, it will lead to qi Blood loss. People who have been ill for a long time will gradually lose their qi and blood during the process of being ill, and their physical fitness will gradually become very poor, their resistance will decline, and they will be prone to colds and so on.

Sixth, female physiological structure

Women go through menstrual periods, pregnancy and childbirth, and lactation in their lives, each of which is very expensive Qi and blood. If you do not pay attention to diet, rest, maintenance, and emotional attention at this stage, it will directly lead to loss of qi and blood.

How to make up for a woman’s lack of qi and blood?

It is actually a very common thing for women to have insufficient qi and blood. Female friends often ask me how to replenish qi and blood. In fact, this is something that requires long-term persistence, not just eating some red dates. , Ejiao can solve it. In order to be full of qi and blood, you need to do these three points.

First, regulate the spleen and stomach

The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry. Weak spleen and stomach, stagnant spleen and inability to transform spleen can easily lead to qi and blood weakness, so Regulating the spleen and stomach is a prerequisite for ensuring sufficient qi and blood.

Second, appropriate iron supplementation

Iron supplementation is a common way to supplement blood. Indirect or direct iron supplementation. Iron is an important element in the synthesis of red blood cells. If conditions permit, it can be supplemented with iron supplements to supplement the blood.

Third, proper exercise

Exercise can promote metabolism and accelerate blood circulation, but for women with insufficient qi and blood, they must pay attention to proper exercise. Some moderate to low-intensity exercise can help maintain a good complexion.

Fourth, focus on dietary therapy

1. Longan, red dates and wolfberry tea strong>

This is a tea prescription for nourishing qi and blood. Put lycium barbarum, longan, red dates, roses, and brown sugar into a health cup, heat water to brew, and simmer. It takes about ten minutes to drink tea. The brown sugar in it has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing the face, the wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidney and improve the eyesight, the longan can nourish the qi and blood, and the red dates also have the effect of nourishing blood. .

2. Brown sugar wolfberry angelica porridge

You can take 20 grams of angelica, soak in warm water, and then Use angelica water with 20 grams of wolfberry fruit, 60 grams of japonica rice, 15 grams of red dates, and add some brown sugar to cook porridge.It plays a very good role in nourishing qi and nourishing blood, but if you are often prone to getting angry, you should drink it in moderation, preferably under the guidance of a doctor.