The story that the head and neck muscle and the “big bag at the back of the neck” (rich bag) have to be told!

Rich bag, which is now a “rich bag” for many people It’s a common problem”, but the reason why he is called a rich bag is because many years ago, only the wealthy and wealthy families were qualified to grow such a protruding “big bag” at the junction of the neck and chest on the back of the neck. To highlight your status – after all, only if you eat well, sleep well, and don’t work for a day, can you grow this “regressive” big bag.

Nowadays, times have changed, and having meat in meals is not a luxury, but the norm. “You can have no money in your pocket, but your mobile phone can’t be without electricity” is also a must-have check for every bow-headed person who goes out. If you like to sleep peacefully, then you have all the necessary conditions for the “rich package”.

The goose is burning again, we all know that such a “foreign object” must not be a special symbol given to you by God, it must have some meaning – yes, Not only is this “big bag” not a gift from God, but it is like a “time bomb” buried in the back of your neck with bad habits. According to incomplete statistics, the diseases related to this big bag are—

Shoulder and neck muscles are tense, stiff and uncomfortable, and easily fatigued.

Generalized soreness and discomfort in the upper back, dizziness, blurred eyes, forgetfulness, and sometimes numbness.

Sympathetic symptoms such as chest tightness, palpitation, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia, elevated blood pressure, etc.

Don’t worry, if you want to get the “back of the neck”, let’s learn the anatomy of a muscle first:


The splenius muscle originates from the C7(C3)-T3 spinous process of the ligamentum nuchae and inserts on the lateral part of the superior nimus and the occipital process;

The splenius muscle originates from the spinous process of T3-6 and ends at the retrotransverse tubercle of C1-3. September 5th, Beijing held a national minimally invasive acupoint catgut embedding technology seminar–click to view

function: single Lateral contraction causes the head to flex and rotate on the same side, and the two sides contract together to straighten the head and neck.

Note: The anatomical position of the “back of the neck” is also just near the spinous process at the cervicothoracic junction.

And once the splenius capitis is damaged, a typical symptom is – “big bag at the back of the neck”.

The deep reason is that the activities of our head, neck and cervical spine should be supported by the thoracic vertebra, mainly with the first thoracic vertebra as the fulcrum, and the first thoracic vertebra itself is actually very small. Very young, at this time, the 7th cervical vertebra is forced to be the center of these stresses. WeChat Public Platform: Spine Health Alliance

However, the splenius capitis just attaches here, so it is easily damaged, and after the muscle is damaged, there is a diffuse bulge (located in 7th cervical vertebra), about five to ten centimeters in diameter. The appearance is manifested as a swollen round mass, the skin is not red, and there is no heat to the touch – this is the “big bag at the back of the neck”.

In essence, the “back of the neck” is mainly composed of: abnormally proliferating soft tissue (fat accumulation or aseptic inflammation) connective tissue) and/or abnormal bony protrusions.

Why is the splenius muscle injured?

It is mainly related to our daily bad habits.

For example:

Long-term bowing and playing with mobile phones; half lying in bed watching TV and playing mobile phones; ;

In addition, long-term fatigue damage to the splenius capitis may also cause headaches.

And it is manifested as “top pain” in the liver meridian of traditional Chinese medicine.

The splenius, the injury also manifests as “pain behind the eye”.

The pain area is felt in the Pain behind the eyes, and pain in the corners of the shoulders and neck is also common.

And the most interesting point is,

“Or “pain behind the eyes” is closely related to the liver meridian of traditional Chinese medicine. “Dingding” itself is the area where the liver meridian of traditional Chinese medicine circulates. Hyperactivity of liver yang, and staying up late to damage the liver will all cause liver damage and lead to “topping pain”. Performance;

And “pain behind the eyes” – “the liver opens in the eyes”, staying up late for a long time hurts the liver, and may also cause discomfort and pain in the eyes.

Investigating the reason, we propose a point of discussion: we say that staying up late hurts the liver. To say that staying up late hurts the liver, it is more direct to say that staying up late hurts the neck, the cervical spine, and the head and neck muscles.

Because most people stay up late now, they are playing mobile phones and games in various positions. , the “cervical vertebrae” can’t stand it until the “explosive liver”, so the injury symptoms of the head and neck muscles coincide with the symptoms of “traditional Chinese medicine liver meridian” injury.

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Finally, For the rehabilitation of “big bump on the back of the neck” and headache and eye pain, we can take the following “three-step” strategy. WeChat public platform: Spine Health Alliance

The first is relaxation, which can be done by acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, etc.;

Taking the manipulation as an example, we can find the splenius capitis around the large bulge at the back of the neck and perform targeted manipulation to release it. (Related muscle groups include scalene muscles, levator scapulae, etc. that have been tense)

You can use the simple and effective method of “retracting the chin”, leaning the body against the wall,

Keep it as far as possible, it is actually strengthening the deep neck flexors and restoring the posture and position of the neck;

You can also use the thumbs of both hands as the guide, External rotation of the upper limbs, continue to maintain, and breathe normally. In fact, it is also through the stretching of the pectoral muscles to improve the round shoulders and hunchback.

The third is the “re-education” of posture, that is, we must tell you to pay attention in your daily life and not to bow your head (you can look at your posture at this time). ),Start from me.

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