The stool turns black after eating animal blood. Is it because the lungs are detoxifying, or is there something wrong with the body? tell you the answer

Ms. Li is a 31-year-old white-collar worker. She has always suffered from anemia. However, due to her special job, she often has to work overtime, which makes her anemia difficult to relieve.

Some time ago, I heard that animal blood can replenish blood, so I ate it for several days.As a result, she found that she had diarrhea in the past few days It’s all black. I heard that pulling black stools may be a sign of bowel cancer, so Ms. Li hurriedly searched the Internet.

There are various opinions on the Internet about “eating the zoo to pull the black stool”:

Some people say that this is the lungs detoxification;< /span>

Some people say that animal blood is actually dirty and poisonous. If this happens, it is poisoning…

All These are some unpleasant answers. Originally, Ms. Li had ordered animal blood for the next week at the vegetable market, but now she dared not eat it.

After eating animal blood, many people may have experienced black stools. Is this really because the animal blood is too dirty and the lungs are detoxifying?

1. Animal blood is actually dirty and contains toxins?

Common animal blood includes chicken blood, duck blood, pig blood, etc… But many people may have black stools after eating animal blood. This is really true Is it because there are toxins in animal blood?

In fact, animal blood is not dirty, because there is no garbage or toxin in the blood vessels, most of which are metabolites of cells

span>. And after the blood is transported to the liver and kidney, it will be metabolized or decomposed, and will not stay in the blood.

In addition, for the animal blood that is eaten, the qualified blood sources that meet the national standards are listed on the market, so as long as the animal blood is purchased from regular channels, it can be eaten with peace of mind.

Not only that, animal blood may be more nutritious than you think , take duck blood as an example.

Duck blood is a high protein, high iron, low fat, low cholesterol food, which contains zinc, potassium and other mineral elements and vitamins are not low.

Under normal circumstances, healthy elderly, children and pregnant women can eat duck blood , but pay attention to control the amount, it is best not to exceed 100g once, and not more than 2 times a week.

In addition, some people are not suitable to eat duck blood, such as patients who are taking warfarin, because the vitamin K in duck blood can counteract the medicinal properties. To sum up, animal blood is not as dirty as everyone thinks, and qualified animal blood can be eaten with peace of mind.

Second, after eating animal blood, the black stool is excreted, is the lung detoxifying?

As for the statement that “after eating animal blood, it is the lungs that detoxify”, is it reliable?

I can tell you very clearly, animal blood does not have the effect of clearing the lungs and detoxifying .

Because after animal blood enters the body, it will enter the stomach and intestines with the esophagus, and then be transformed by the intestinal mucosal epithelial cells, and there is no way to the lungs at all.

It is a normal physiological phenomenon that the stool turns black after eating animal blood.

Because animal blood is rich in iron, if it is not fully absorbed by the body, the remaining part will combine with sulfide in the large intestine. , which produces black iron sulfide, resulting in black stools.

appears ifnot eating animal blood Black stool may be gastrointestinal bleeding, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time.

However, if you want to replenish blood, you can eat some duck blood in moderation, which is extremely rich in iron, 30.5mg/100g, which can have a very good effect of iron supplementation.

Third, can red dates and spinach really nourish blood?

In addition to duck blood, many people with anemia also supplement their blood by eating foods such as red dates and spinach. Does it really work?

The reason why people anemia is mainly related to the reduction of red blood cell production, excessive red blood cell destruction, and excessive blood loss.

Therefore, if you want to solve the problem of anemia, you need to master the two principles of “correcting the cause” and “correcting the symptom”, that is, to find the cause first, and then treat the symptom. Symptomatic treatment mainly includes blood transfusion and oral adjuvant drugs to correct anemia. The daily intake of foods high in iron can also prevent anemia to a certain extent.

But in fact, red dates and spinach do not replenish blood, because the main source of heme iron is Meat and poultry food. However, the iron content of red dates and spinach is not high. The iron content of red dates is about 2.2mg/100g, and that of spinach is 2.9mg/100g. Generally, it takes two or three pounds a day to meet the body’s daily iron needs (12㎎/day for men, 20㎎/day for women), obviouslyUnrealistic.

And among the various foods, the foods that really help to supplement iron mainly include the following:

  • < strong>pork liver: iron content is 23.2mg/100g
  • duck liver : 23.1mg/100g of iron
  • sheep blood: iron content 18.3mg/100g
  • chicken blood: iron content 25mg/100g
  • < li>duck blood(white duck): iron content 30.5mg/100g

But it should be noted that although the iron content in the liver is not low, the fat and cholesterol content is relatively high, and it is easy to accumulate pollutants, so you should not eat more. The average person eats at most 2-3 times a week, and one time does not exceed 25g . Animal blood is also a good way to supplement iron, especially duck blood, which is the king of iron supplements.

But it should be reminded that although animal food is a supplement to iron big way.

But in order to better promote the absorption of iron, it is recommended to mix some water-soluble vitamins such as citrus, peach, tomato, radish, etc. Rich green leafy vegetables and fruits, iron supplementation is more effective.

In addition, you need to be careful when supplementing iron by eating animal foods. According to the recommendation of the Chinese Nutrition Society, an adult daily intake of livestock and poultry meat is 50-70g, and excessive intake may cause health risks .

Of course, if iron-deficiency anemia is diagnosed, food supplements can only be auxiliary, specific treatment methods also need to be prescribed by a doctor .

The iron content of animal blood is relatively rich, and reasonable intake can indeed have a certain effect of iron supplementation, but it is also important to supplement it, not simply eating One high-iron food is enough, and the most important thing is to mix it reasonably. If necessary, you need to take iron supplements under the guidance of a doctor.


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