The “state” is bad, the mouth is bitter and bad, how should Chinese medicine regulate it?

Many men may be afraid of this disease, but life is impermanent, and there are many reasons for this. Weakness of kidney essence, dampness and heat, and exuberance of heart fire can all cause problems in the body. What should we do when these problems occur in the same person?

This friend is 43 years old and likes to drink. It has been about a year since he had such a problem. In addition to this, he also suffers from insomnia and dreams, dry mouth, bitterness and bad breath. I frequently fart, sometimes my feet get hot and my urine turns yellow. “height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”″ width=”600″>

Because the patient often drinks alcohol and damages the liver and kidney, Dry mouth and bitter taste are caused by strong heart fire, bad breath is also caused by dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, and the turbid qi is upwardly reversed. When the spleen and stomach are abnormal and the moisture is heavy, it will cause insufficient blood and qi, and the supply of nutritional energy is insufficient, so that the consumption caused by overdraft in the body cannot be replenished in time, and it is easy to be exhausted and weak, and lack of energy. Internal heat, irritability of the five hearts, our waist is the house of the kidneys, the kidneys govern the bones, and problems with the waist are generally caused by the deficiency of kidney qi. Too much, it will be difficult to fall asleep, the heart has the role of the main god, and the lack of heart qi and blood will cause anxiety.

Comprehensive analysis is: Liver and gallbladder stagnation heat, liver qi discomfort, damp heat, weak spleen and stomach, and kidney qi deficiency. Such a situation is more complicated, and the treatment needs to be carried out in stages. Clear heat and dampness first, soothe the liver and relieve stagnation. In this way, you can first relax the qi and smooth the qi and blood in the body. Take: gentian, gardenia, scutellaria, Alisma, psyllium, angelica, bupleurum, shengdi Yellow, licorice, etc. for conditioning.

During the second consultation, the spleen and kidney are invigorated to provide energy for the body. , Eclipta, Rehmannia, Fried Atractylodes, Fried Anemarrhena, Wolfberry, Dodder, etc.

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If this situation is more complicated, it must be adjusted in stages, and it cannot be solved in one piece. In that case Ineffective!