The spleen and stomach are the foundation of longevity! Follow the old Chinese medicine, eat, eat, press, nourish the spleen and stomach, and be healthier than a hundred~

Heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney are the five major systems of the human body, of which the spleen is the core. The spleen transports and transforms water and grains with subtleties and nourishes the whole body, so the function of transporting and transforming the spleen is very important. It can be said that the root of longevity lies in strengthening the spleen.

The spleen needs to be nourished by proper body fluids in order to maintain its normal function. Too much or too little water may cause problems. If there is too much water, it will cause spleen dampness; if there is too little water, it will cause spleen yin deficiency.

Symptoms of spleen-yin deficiency mainly include: body weight loss, pale complexion, feeling of fullness in the stomach, especially after meals, and frequent constipation.

To solve this problem, you can prepare 5 grams of chicken neijin and fried radish seeds. After making powder, eat a spoonful with meals, three times a day. Can relieve indigestion and bloating.

There are also some misconceptions about relieving constipation. For example, many people use aloe vera and rhubarb as a panacea, which is not accurate enough. Although they have a certain laxative effect, they are mainly suitable for people with fire in the stomach.

You can’t eat rhubarb all the time for long-term constipation. Eating it for a long time will easily lead to blackening of the intestines and cause colon cancer. The correct method should be to nourish the spleen and yin and nourish the spleen and stomach. Here are some health tips.

1 Nourishing Yin and moistening spleen porridge

【Yin and spleen porridge】

【Materials】: Raw Atractylodes 15g, whole melon basket 25g, raw Codonopsis 25g, raw white peony root 15g, appropriate amount of white radish or pear, appropriate amount of white rice.


1. Soak the medicinal materials in water for 10 minutes, wash the ingredients and cut them into small pieces for later use;

2. Put the medicinal ingredients into the casserole together, boil it with a strong fire, and simmer for 30 minutes after changing the fire, remove the residue and keep the soup, and cook the medicinal residue for the second time;

3. Finally, mix the two medicinal soups and add white rice to make porridge.

[Efficacy]: Codonopsis is an important medicinal material for nourishing the spleen and yin. Raw Atractylodes Rhizoma nourishes yin and moistens the stool, and raw white peony root nourishes the spleen and yin. The whole melon, radish and pear have a laxative effect and can also be seasoned.

2 According to Zhigou acupoint Zhigou acupoint belongs to the Sanjiao meridian of Shaoyang of the hand, which can relieve pain in the flanks, elbows and arms, vomiting, tinnitus, etc. It is located three cun above the transverse crease of the wrist on the back of the hand. Pressing Zhigou acupoint once a day can reach the triple burner and promote defecation.

Today’s summary

There are many reasons for constipation, and spleen yin deficiency is one of them. If the spleen has problems for a long time, it will be harmful to the heart, lungs and kidneys. Therefore, to relieve constipation, it is necessary to strengthen the spleen from the root.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)