The small meat particles on the neck indicate that something is wrong with the body!

National Radio and TV gold host Guo Li chats with you about healthClick below↓↓↓Follow-free consultation

Guo Li found that many people have long necks Lots of little meat, little spots, and a different color on the neck and face! Especially friends who often have a sore throat, smoke, or have respiratory problems are more likely to grow such small fleshy particles. Quickly see if you have them. Although small meat particles and small spots do not necessarily affect your health, but indicates that something is wrong with your body, And it’ll take your beauty down a notch too!

The reason for the formation of small meat particles on the neck The small meat particles on the neck what is going on actually? Because the neck is exposed to the outside all the year round, it is easy to catch cold, and the cold will condense. After viruses, bacteria and toxins invade the human body, it is easy to accumulate in the neck, so it appears < strong>Pimples, acne, sore throat, etc. The lymph on the neck is the body’s first line of defense. The primary channels for viruses and bacteria to invade are the respiratory tract and oral cavity.

When infected lymph flows back, the first stop is the neck, and then it travels to the underarms and groin. Therefore,lymph nodes in the neck are also the most likely to swell.   Guo Li will tell you about the three major situations and the reasons for their formation:

0 1Acne and acne on the face at the same time< /span>tipto Main reasons: inner facial lymphotoxin Difficulty in metabolism, causing toxins to spread to the neck; bacterial infection of acne outside the neck, toxins It gives fertile soil for bacteria to multiply, but generally lymphatic metabolism is good, so there will be no such phenomenon. Like acne on the face, but not all over the body.

02< span>Folliculitis or sebaceous gland inflammationto tipto There are small bumps on the neck and itching, then it should be considered Folliculitis or inflammation of the sebaceous glands. At this time, pay attention to avoiding spicy food, low-fat diet, try to wash with hot water frequently, do not squeeze, but massage more Neck Lymph!

03< /span>Fat granules Titoing Another kind of the phenomenon of small fleshy bumps on the neck may be the appearance of fat granules. Fat granules have little effect on health, but affect appearance and appearance. It is more common in young women. Because women’s skin ages quickly, has a slow metabolism, and is affected by the external environment, it is easier to grow fat particles. Most of the friends who have the above conditions have common characteristics:Dark or red neck.

The neck is red, which means that the heat is more toxic, and it is easy to have a sore throat. It is recommended to massage the neck more often for comfort. In serious cases, such as those who have started to grow small pimples and sore throat, it is best to do professional neck lymphatic drainage.

I usually eat spicy food, smoke, or have lung yin deficiency. It is recommended to eat a light diet and eat more foods that nourish yin and nourish the lungs: Lily, lotus seeds, white fungus, or often brewing Luo Han Guo tea.