The shoulders are high and the neck is crooked. It’s actually Erlang’s legs.

Remember not to pat the leader’s shoulder, never pat the leader’s shoulder, although it is a joke, but sometimes when seeing a patient with one high and one low shoulder, the doctor may suspect that this is a “Leadership”, why? Because he may often cross Erlang’s legs.

Why cross your legs?

There are both physical and psychological reasons, Erlang’s legs need to occupy more space, some people regard this posture as a symbol of power, and some people use this posture to express rejection , some women feel that this pose adds glamour. From a physiological point of view, crossing your legs may be a comfortable posture. When you sit in one position for too long, crossing your legs can change the load on the muscles of the lower limbs and reduce the fatigue of soft tissues. However, a study shows that crossing the legs for a long time will cause resulting in the following results.

  • Pelvic tilt,Hanging your legs for extended periods of time can cause your pelvis to roll, one hip high on the other hip. This pose lengthens the hip abductors and weakens the gluteus medius, one of the muscles on the side of the hip. When this muscle weakens, balance is disrupted and the pelvis shifts.
  • Spine problems, Erlang legs will reduce hip flexion to compensate , The waist will bend involuntarily. If this posture has become a habit, it may lead to scoliosis, followed by pain and muscle and joint problems, such as some unexplained low back pain.
  • Shoulder tilt,This is the result of a chain reaction, when the pelvis tilts, In order to maintain balance, the lumbar spine will tilt to the other side, followed by the thoracic spine, but the thoracic spine has ribs fixed, so it is difficult to move, so it is transmitted to the shoulders, one shoulder becomes higher than the other, and walking looks oblique. .
  • Neck pain. Bending the lower back can also affect the position of the head, and the neck stretches forward. Neck pain and muscle imbalances result from this.
  • blood pressure rises, usually measuring blood pressure requires both feet to be flat on the ground. Erlang’s legs will lead to increased blood pressure. High blood pressure, this posture will accelerate the development of high blood pressure. Studies have shown that increases systolic blood pressure by nearly 7% and diastolic blood pressure by 2%.

For men preparing to become fathers, crossing their legs raises the temperature in the groin and may affect sperm counts.

How to break this habit?

When sitting in a chair, try not to be listless. Lazy posture can actually increase muscle tension, which can cause pain and a series of problems over time. Sit as straight as possible, imagining a rope attached to the top of your head, attached vertically to the ceiling, straighten your neck to your stomach while keeping your shoulders back, leaning your back on a chair, and keeping your feet flat on the floor. This sitting position may be a little uncomfortable at first, but in the long run, it can prevent quite a few problems. Being sedentary is now called “another way to smoke,” especially for people who don’t sit properly.

But once the habit of crossing Erlang’s legs is formed, it will be difficult to change it. Put your feet on the ground, and then you will not consciously lift them up again after a while. , here are a few suggestions.

  • Change postures for only 15-20 minutes at a time, or remind yourself to sit for a while before getting up and walking.
  • Put a low stool or cushion under your feet and put your feet up when you want to cross your legs.
  • When you want to cross your legs, you can cross your feet at the ankles. If you feel tired, cross them in another direction.
  • Things can be tied around the knees, which when involuntarily cross the legs, can hinder this behavior.
  • If you are a woman, you can change to the following sitting position.

Medical science, for reference only.