The scene of thousands of horses galloping in Xinjiang is like the scene of Sun Wukong making a havoc in the Heavenly Palace!

On July 16, the 2022 Ili Tianma Festival in Xinjiang, China, was grandly opened in Zhaosu County, the “Hometown of Tianma”. Seeing this beautiful picture, the galloping horses are simply too shocking!

The scene was full of galloping horses, unstoppable like a sea tide. On the Su Prairie, the scene is shocking and spectacular, such as Haiyan flying in the storm, and Tianhe Wrangler!

It is understood that Zhaosu County is the most standardized international The standardized grassland ecological racecourse enjoys the reputation of “the hometown of Tianma in China”. The annual stock of various horses reaches 100,000, mainly Yili horses. Yili horses are burly physique, handsome in appearance, strong adaptability and stable genetic performance. And production performance, deeply liked by local herdsmen.

There is not only a golden dazzling sea of ​​rapeseed flowers, but also the magnificent landscape of “Tianma Bathing River” in Zhaosu Wetland Park. It is magnificent and majestic, and it is a midsummer feast in Xinjiang! This scene is too shocking, thousands of horses are galloping, have you seen it?

Some netizens said that there were similar scenes when Sun Wukong made a big havoc in the Tiangong! Xinjiang is beautiful, people are beautiful, and animals are beautiful! The spirit of Longma, the grand plan! This is my big China, riding a horse and moving forward bravely! This is the scene of the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation!

I finally understand why I used smoke and dust to confuse the opponent in ancient wars, and let the enemy mistakenly think that thousands of troops are attacking. If you are at a distance, you can judge whether it is a cavalry or not just by looking at the wind, sand and dust, and the sound cannot be heard. If it is close, you should arrange for the cavalry to drag the branches to make a big noise. It is no wonder that the cavalry of the ancient nomadic peoples is so powerful, it is indeed a strong impact!

However, it is of course very difficult for the agricultural nation to deal with the nomadic cavalry, and the price is too high. The industrial nation can easily deal with this stuff. From the popularity of rifled rifles, the horse-backed nation is completely shriveled. Horses are also flesh and blood. Therefore, what is really powerful is science, an industrialized weapon armed with science.

Horses have strong endurance. In special areas, horses can preempt the enemy. As a friend who was born and died, Ma’er is admirable for your mighty and unyielding power! Bless us to make a fortune immediately, and we will be successful! I wish our cause is galloping!