The sage has achieved transcendence and will not be deceived by external phenomena

People use gain and loss to measure life experience, so they are always stimulated and disturbed by such and such situations, always bound by external constraints, tired and suffering.

The sage has attained an ordinary mind and transcended duality. , without prejudice, let alone being swayed by prejudice, use magic to deal with everything, and make the most appropriate choice.

When the heart radiates this kind of light and illuminates our life, we will live in a kind of lenient destiny, be a natural human being, Acting naturally, neither mindless nor pretentious, not taking anything to heart, but able to concentrate on doing anything well. It is a kind of wisdom that is not shaken by sensibility and does not lose sensibility. It is full of compassion and wisdom. Therefore, when a sage who has attained an ordinary mind, his thoughts are nothing but to benefit others, but he does not have the concept of benefiting others, nor does it harm his own distinction. Therefore, sages are not ignorant of cause and effect—not that they do not fall into cause and effect, but they are not blinded by the appearance of cause and effect. .

The law of causality is the law of nature, but the sage has achieved transcendence and will not be deceived by external phenomena. He knows that everything is illusory, so he will not be deceived and more. will not be controlled.

They can calmly accept everything in their destiny, make good choices at the moment, plant good causes, and then reap good results. What’s interesting is that ordinary people care about the effect, but not the cause. They always create evil causes arbitrarily, and hope not to reap the corresponding evil results. Is this possible?

You plant melons and you get melons, and you sow beans and you get beans. You can’t plant melons and reap beans. Therefore, ordinary people always have many troubles, and the peace and tranquility of the mind are always disturbed.