The reporter returned to visit some places where the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures was not in place!

On March 30, the Kunming City Leading Group Headquarters for the New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Epidemic Work conducted an unannounced and unannounced visit to some key areas and places to implement normalized measures for epidemic prevention and control, and found a group of The headquarters has ordered rectification of the problem of inadequate implementation of normalized measures for epidemic prevention and control. Today (March 31), the reporter paid a return visit to some places.

On March 30, the unannounced visit team found in the Carrefour Baiyun store in Panlong District that the temperature measurement in the supermarket was not strict, and only the health code was checked. Itinerary code not checked. On the 31st, during a return visit, the reporter saw that there are currently staff at multiple entrances and exits of this supermarket to measure the temperature of the citizens who enter and check the “double code”.

Supermarket staff: “You must show both.”

Reporter: “Do you have to ask for both codes? “

Supermarket staff: “Yes, both are required, health code and itinerary code.”

During the inspection on March 30, KFC on Yunshan Road, Xishan District, had a scan code The temperature measurement was not in place. The next day, the reporter also paid a return visit to the fast food restaurant.

Fast food restaurant clerk: “Take your temperature here, show your health code and itinerary code, and put your hand on it here.”

After a reporter showed the double code, another reporter tried to fish into the store in troubled waters, but was stopped by the clerk.

The clerk of the fast food restaurant talked to the reporter: “Yes, both sizes are required. Sir, you should also show it.”

The Xiyuan Community Health Service Center announced on March 30 During the inspection, there was a problem that the “one-meter noodles” requirement was not strictly implemented and people gathered.

During the return visit, the reporter saw that several one-meter noodle signs have been newly posted at the entrance of this community health service center, and citizens who seek medical treatment can also consciously press One meter line.

However, during the return visit, the reporter found that at present, there are still some places where the normalization measures for epidemic prevention and control are still not in place. For example, during the inspection on March 30, the Heping Farmers Grain, Oil and Seafood Market did not strictly measure the temperature of the people who entered.

The next day, the reporter saw that three to four staff members were set up at the entrance of this market to measure temperature and check codes. But when the reporter entered, they only checked the health code, not the itinerary code.

Market security: “Mobile phone health code.”

Reporter: “Is it a health code?”

Market Security: “Okay.”

There is also a situation where only one yard is checked at the adjacent Heping Farmers and Seafood Market.

Reporter: “This (health code) is enough, right? One is enough, right?”

Market security: ” That’s right.”

In addition, during the return visit, we also found that the places on the rectification list were being ordered to rectify, and some places that were not on the list still had the problem of inadequate implementation of normalized measures for epidemic prevention and control.

For example, in the China Mobile mobile phone store and Honor mobile phone store on Xingyuan Road, it was found that no staff was responsible for entering the person.On March 31, the reporter saw that the two companies had been rectified.

But the China Unicom mobile phone store next to it is only separated by a wall, but they still come in and out casually. No one checks the code to measure the temperature. And this mobile phone store is not on the rectification list.

Barcode prompt,

Public area, public place management

should be from Strictly do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and

resolutely build a strong defense line for epidemic prevention and control.

Barcode Reporter