The relationship between uremia and hypertension is “ambiguous”? 5 ways to stabilize your blood pressure and reduce kidney damage

Uraemia is a dreaded disease that can be life-threatening if you are not careful. In addition, uremia and its easy to cause various complications, high blood pressure is one of them, and high blood pressure will affect kidney function, and over time will form a vicious circle, making the patient’s condition more serious, so patients with uremia Find a way to avoid high blood pressure.

What can uremia patients do to avoid high blood pressure?

1. Actively control blood pressure

Patients with uremia should first control the intake of water and sodium, Otherwise, it will increase blood flow due to water and sodium retention and increase blood pressure. In addition, patients with uremia should actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, and take blood pressure control drugs reasonably under the guidance of doctors to avoid adverse effects on the patient’s condition due to elevated blood pressure.

2. Use drugs with caution

There are many types of antihypertensive drugs, so Patients should take antihypertensive drugs under the guidance of doctors, not blindly, otherwise it may have adverse effects on the disease, and do not blindly believe in remedies and health products, because the renal function of patients with uremia is originally It is particularly bad. If you take some nephrotoxic substances, it may aggravate the condition. After all, it is not certain whether the drugs used in the remedies and my health care products will adversely affect the patient.

3. Pay attention to your diet p>

Patients with uremia should pay special attention to their diet, and eat less food with high salt content and food with high fat content, such as pickled food and fried food. Excessive salt intake can lead to water and sodium retention, which increases blood volume and ultimately causes fluctuations in blood pressure. Fatty foods will make the blood thicker, which will increase the resistance of blood flow, and over time will lead to the emergence of high blood pressure. Even if it is protein that is good for the body, it should be consumed in moderation. If you consume too much, it may increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys and make blood pressure unstable.

4. Develop regular work and rest habits

Sleep within a specified time every day , enabling better repair of various organs, including the kidneys. In addition, staying up late or lack of sleep will affect the endocrine of the human body. Over time, blood pressure will rise due to excessive secretion of adrenal glands. Therefore, patients with uremia who want to stay away from high blood pressure should also develop regular work and rest habits. It is recommended that 11 o’clock every day sleep before.

5. Recent Check Metrics< /p>

Patients with uremia need to undergo certain examinations on a regular basis. At this time, they must not ignore blood pressure monitoring, and do not stop measuring blood pressure because they do not have symptoms such as dizziness and headache. Because some patients have no obvious symptoms after their blood pressure rises, and high blood pressure can harm the kidneys silently, uremia patients should also monitor their blood pressure when doing regular check-ups.

Message from a Family Physician

Once a patient with uremia has high blood pressure, it is easy to have elevated blood sugar, elevated blood lipids, etc. Therefore, patients with uremia should not only monitor blood pressure regularly, but also monitor blood sugar and blood lipids regularly, because once they suffer from diabetes or hyperlipidemia at the same time, the patient’s condition will progress faster. In addition, patients with uremia should undergo hemodialysis regularly. Only in this way can the body have enough healthy blood, so that toxins and excess water in the body can be smoothly excreted from the body and avoid excessive toxins or excess water in the body. Water increases the burden on the kidneys.

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