The relationship between stomach and lungs

Lungs will be under greater pressure in recent years, including the impact of new coronary pneumonia and plague in recent years, which will directly cause lung damage. Increased incidence of lung nodules, fibrosis, and even lung cancer.

When there is a problem with the lungs, there will be a clear metallic sound in the human voice, which means that the lung problem is already serious. If the voice is dry, it means that the lungs are dehydrated. If there is a sound of fire, it means that there may be fever or inflammation.

When dealing with lung problems, medicine can be used directly for new diseases, but the lungs are delicate and dirty, and the medicine is more moisturizing. If the lungs are cold, it will warm the stomach. Or deal with the chest cavity without directly warming the lungs.

Lung problems can cause shortness of breath, chest tightness, and easy to get angry.

The lung qi descends, the heart fire descends, and the stomach turbid qi descends. A part of the gasified substance in the stomach ascends, and this part ascends to the mutton, which is the lung. main source of material energy. The kidneys drive the cold water of the sun up to the top, and then down to the lungs. This is the main source of lung water.

When the lungs are cold, it must be warming the stomach, and the phlegm in the lungs is dissolved by the heat, and goes down through the omental system into the large intestine for excretion.

The cold in the lungs will lead to the cold of the diaphragm, which will be directly transmitted to the stomach, resulting in the cold of the cardia, and there is a part of the liver lobe in the upper part of the stomach, and the liver will also be cold, so, When processing, it still needs to be considered comprehensively.

Lung carbuncle chapter has Zhongjing’s prescriptions, but there are not many, you can check them, most of the medicines are for the stomach, but many times, it is not easy to use, what is the reason?

It is because the liver has been affected. As mentioned in the previous article, the liver responds to the spring, and the liver is cold, and the body has no vitality. The hard ice will not melt, the whole body will be cold, you just warm the stomach, the stomach will not heat up.

The lungs belong to metal, and the stomach belongs to earth. That is to say, in traditional Chinese medicine, cultivating the earth and producing gold, these four simple words can be related to the body. When you get up, you really understand this theory, otherwise you just know these four words, and you can just say it.

What is taught in school or written in books, if not related to the body, will feel that the theory of Chinese medicine is very vague. Chinese medicine is by no means like this. It is a close combination of theory and clinical practice. When I wake up, I will feel that every word in the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon is a pearl.

It is a simple matter of cultivating soil and making gold. If you have done it, then all the diseases mentioned above can be dealt with, and the sequelae of the new crown are also dealt with according to this theory. Moreover, with the prescriptions given by Zhongjing’s Treatise on Febrile Diseases, how do you mobilize these prescriptions to achieve the effect of preparing gold from the earth? This is the medical skill of every doctor.

The theory of five elements in traditional Chinese medicine is not divorced from clinical practice. When this step is reached in clinical practice, the patient will feel the phlegm from the lungs and the phlegm from the stomach. feeling of falling. In other words, these theories can directly cause this phenomenon in clinical practice, it just depends on whether you can understand it or not.

It is impossible to cure the disease. What remedies do you find? Taking lung nodules as an example, it is difficult for you to directly use medicine to remove the nodules from the lungs, or it can be solved in very few cases. , most cases cannot be resolved. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, if you rely on remedies, how many remedies do you need to find? And is it difficult to try the remedies one by one?

According to the above theory, honestly solve the problem of systemic recovery, the body warms up, the stomach qi recovers, the cold qi in the chest cavity dissipates, and the qi in the lungs Whether the phlegm can be dissolved, the circulation of qi and blood in the lungs tends to be normal, and the nodules dissolve on their own.

Not only was the nodule problem resolved, but the patient’s health was also improved. And for all patients, most will be fine.

Many diseases can be decomposed into many small problems, which are easy to deal with.When a small problem is solved, a part of the patient’s righteousness will be restored. With the continuous resolution of the problem, the patient’s righteousness will continue to recover, and the big problem will eventually become a small problem.

Another treatment method for the lungs is the following method. Walk the large intestine, and write another article on this.