The relationship between lifespan and weight was found: after 60 years old, such a weight may be just right, you might as well check yourself

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature. No one can avoid it. Everyone will experience aging and death. This is an irreversible fact.

However, the length of lifespan is affected by many factors, such as genetic factors, lifestyle, dietary habits, social economy conditions and the level of health care.

I believe that everyone wants to have a healthy body and a long life. To get healthy, it is very important to maintain a reasonable weight. If you are too fat or too thin, it will have bad effects on your body.

Especially after the age of 60, some people think that it is better for people in this age group to be fat, and some people think that they are rich It is difficult to buy old and thin. I think it may be better to be thinner. Then, if you are over 60 years old, what is a reasonable range to control your weight?

First look at the dangers of being overweight in the elderly< /p>

causing dyslipidemia

Older people who are obese, especially those with abdominal obesity, are more likely to suffer from abnormal blood lipids such as hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia than thin people. This may be related to eating There is a certain relationship between more fat, more body fat storage, or high blood lipids caused by hyperinsulinemia.


< p data-track="9">Obesity is a risk factor for the development of hypertension. A survey of middle-aged and elderly people showed that the prevalence of hypertension was 7.55% for those with a body mass index of less than 20, and 20.26% for those with a body mass index of 24-26. The rate reached 36.89%.

Other lesions

< p data-track="11">The increased incidence of cholelithiasis and fatty liver is mainly due to the disorder of fat metabolism in obesity. Cholesterol is deposited in the liver to form fatty liver, and sterol crystals are also easily deposited in the gallbladder. The formation of gallstones, gout and the incidence of hyperlipidemia also increased.

Learn more about the dangers of being underweight in older adults p>


Calcium is one of the nutrients needed by the human body, and the body that is too thin often has a lack of various nutrients, and the decline of various functions in a sub-healthy state may cause calcium to not be effectively combined with bones , In the long-term, it will be unable to maintain normal bone density, prone to osteoporosis, and may even cause fractures without external factors.

weak immunity

Thin elderly people often have low immune function and weak resistance to pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria, and are prone to colds, fever, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases and indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcer, enteritis and other digestive tract diseases.

susceptibility to skin diseases

Older people who are too thin will have a greater chance of developing skin diseases, because the elderly will be thin and dry, and the secretion of sebaceous glands will also increase with If it is reduced, the chances of suffering from cortical itching and skin keratosis will be greatly increased.

It can be seen that the elderly are not healthy if they are too thin or overweight, and the elderly still need to control themselves in life body weight within the normal range.

The relationship between life expectancy and body weight was found: after the age of 60, such a weight may be just right, so you might as well check yourself


Some scientists in Europe have found that there is a certain relationship between body weight and life expectancy through investigation and research, and have concluded a U-shaped death curve model.

From the analysis of the U-shaped death curve model, it is found that the standard weight (BMI value) of people under the age of 60 Greater than 18.5 and less than 24.9) had a lower mortality rate, while those over 60 who were overweight (BMI greater than 25 and less than 29.9) had the lowest mortality rate.

What is a healthy body mass index?

BMI calculation

Body Mass Index, or BMI for short, is often used to measure the degree of obesity. It is a numerical indicator closely related to the total amount of body fat and can reflect the health of the body due to being overweight or underweight. risk.

BMI calculation formula: BMI=weight (kg) ÷ height (m) squared< /span>

BMI of 18.5-23.9 is the normal range, and greater than or equal to 24 is overweight;

BMI is 24-26.9, which is overweight and has an increased risk of related diseases; p>

BMI of 27-29.9 is considered obese, and the risk of related diseases is moderately increased;

BMI≥30, which means severe obesity and a serious increase in the risk of related diseases;

For example: the body fat percentage of an elderly man with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 160 kg: 80 divided by the square of 1.8, which is 22.2.

How can older adults maintain good weight?

Eat good habits< /span>

Everyone should develop good eating habits, and eat less greasy food, such as fried, fatty meat , high-sugar foods, etc., you can eat more whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Participate in sports

Do not sit after meals every day, choose to take a walk or stand against the wall for half an hour, which can promote food digestion and prevent food calories from being converted into fat and stored in the body. Getting into this habit can prevent re-obesity.

Do not watch TV while eating

Eating while watching TV will cause you to eat very slowly, and your stomach will have enough time to digest, so you will eat all the time, and you will not feel full, which is easy to cause obesity.