The recent epidemic has shown the characteristics of superposition of multiple, wide-ranging, and frequent mutants.

A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily combed the epidemic data released by the National Health and Medical Commission in the past two months and found that as of 17:00 on February 28, 77 municipalities, prefecture-level cities or autonomous prefectures across the country have reported new coronary pneumonia infections since the beginning of this year. , involving 24 provinces across the country.

In the past two months, there have been new local confirmed cases every day across the country. Among them, the number of new confirmed cases in a single day on February 4 and February 9 was in single digits, with 9 cases respectively The number of newly confirmed cases in a single day for 14 days exceeded 100. Among them, the number of newly confirmed local cases in a single day on January 11 reached 166, the highest number in two months. Of the 14 days when the number of new cases in a single day exceeded 100, 12 occurred in January, and only 2 occurred in February.

At the press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council on February 26, Wu Liangyou, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention of the National Health and Health Commission, said that the recent domestic epidemic situation has been multi-point, wide-ranging and frequent. Tower and Omicron variants stack with popular traits.

Beijing Youth Daily reporter noticed that in the first few days in early January, the areas that reported local confirmed cases were concentrated in Shaanxi, Henan, and Zhejiang provinces. In the following period, the provinces that reported local confirmed cases in a single day There has been an increase. From January 13 to 17, 5 provinces across the country reported local confirmed cases in a single day for 5 consecutive days. By January 23, there were 8 provinces with newly confirmed cases in Japan alone. According to data released by the National Health and Medical Commission on February 28, a total of 9 provinces in Guangdong, Tianjin, Guangxi, Yunnan, Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, and Hubei reported local confirmed cases on February 27.

A reporter from Beiqing Daily found that the local confirmed cases reported in Shaanxi Province so far all occurred in January, and since the report of 3 local confirmed cases on January 20, no new local confirmed cases have been reported. . Several other provinces have only reported locally confirmed cases since February this year. For example, Jiangsu Province has reported 8 new confirmed cases for several consecutive days since the current round of epidemics reported 8 local confirmed cases on February 14. Sichuan and Hubei did not report local confirmed cases before February 19 this year. After the local confirmed cases were reported on the 20th and 21st respectively, the two places reported new local confirmed cases for several consecutive days.

Text/Reporter Qu Chang/Jiang Shuo

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