The reason why the skin will continue to age is mostly directly related to the following factors

Although people rely on clothes, horses and saddles, it takes a lot of time to put on makeup for a poor skin foundation, and the “beauty” obtained from this will actually appear unnatural, often Will let careful friends see at a glance. Living under thick makeup all day long, most of them will also have some feelings of inferiority and depression.

It is the nature of women to love beauty. Women who dare to appear without makeup not only have strong psychological qualities, but also have a good skin foundation to rely on. After a woman is 25 years old, her skin slowly enters the aging period, and the skin differences among many women of the same age have also begun to widen the gap. For some prematurely aging women, they can’t simply complain about the magic of time, but more because they haven’t done a good job in skin care, and have gone further and further in some wrong behaviors and habits, so that they are far from being smooth and delicate. The skin distance is increasing.

The reason why skin continues to age is probably directly related to the following factors

Factor One: Solar Stimulation

The damage of ultraviolet rays in sunlight to the skin is multi-faceted, and the most important is to cause fibrin in the dermis and changes in matrix components, mainly as follows: ① the elastic fibers are deformed, thickened and bifurcated, causing the original function of the elastic fibers to lose, resulting in loose and inelastic skin; ② the structure of collagen fibers is changed and the content is reduced, which makes the skin tension and elasticity. Reduced toughness, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin.

Factor 2: staying up late and insomnia

Women who stay up late or have insomnia are more likely to have wrinkles, or skin Not firm enough. The reason is that under the condition of lack of sleep, the self-metabolism and circulatory function of the skin will be greatly affected, which is not conducive to the discharge of toxins and pigment substances in the skin. Naturally, it will also speed up.

Factor Three: Wrong Diet

Women who like to eat sugar often induce skin cell damage due to sugar. Glycosylation process accelerates skin aging; women who love spicy food will cause damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, affecting the normal digestion and decomposition of food, resulting in the lack of nutrients for the skin to gradually age; women who love greasy food, will It leads to the strong secretion of the skin’s oil glands, because it is difficult to prevent the skin from getting old because the oil is deposited on the skin.

Multiple experts suggest: this “snack”, eat it when you have nothing to do, and your face will be brighter

Good skin condition is inseparable from the normal supply of nutrients. Only by choosing the correct nutrients to supplement, can the improvement of skin appearance be achieved more and more.


Yogurt is rich in amino acids and sticky proteins, which can help dead skin cells The shedding of cells and aging cells contributes to the further improvement of the skin condition while maintaining the normal cellular structure.