The proportion of asymptomatic infections in Changzhou is relatively high, and experts have analyzed three reasons for this

Modern Express News On the afternoon of March 18, Changzhou City held the sixth press conference on epidemic prevention and control, reporting the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control and answering reporters’ questions. Yao Cheng, member of the Party Committee of the Changzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission and deputy director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration, answered the question about the recent increase in asymptomatic infections.

Yao Cheng explained that asymptomatic infection has two meanings, one is “infected” and the other is “asymptomatic”. First of all, they are indeed infected with the new coronavirus, that is, the nucleic acid test of the new coronavirus is positive and needs to be isolated and treated; the second is asymptomatic, and there is currently no sore throat, fever, fatigue, dry cough, hyposmia and a series of symptoms and signs. At the same time, CT images There was no evidence of pneumonia in school.

It should be emphasized that asymptomatic infected persons are also contagious, and the transmission route is the same as that of confirmed cases. Therefore, according to relevant national requirements, asymptomatic infections should also be screened for close contacts and sub-close contacts, screening of high-risk groups, and corresponding site control measures. Close contacts and next-close contacts of asymptomatic infected persons, and close contacts and second-close contacts of confirmed cases, are managed and screened in the same way.

The proportion of asymptomatic infections in the patients admitted this time is relatively high. According to the analysis of the expert group, there are three main reasons: First, it is related to the infected virus strain. The virus strain is mainly the Omicron variant, which is characterized by a fast transmission speed, a significant decrease in virulence (pathogenicity), and a relatively high proportion of asymptomatic and mild symptoms. Second, it has something to do with vaccination. At present, the first-dose vaccination rate of the whole population in Changzhou is 102.62%, the whole-course vaccination rate is 97.90%, and the first-dose vaccination rate of the resident population aged 18 and above is 104.20%. Most of these patients were injected with two or three shots of the vaccine. Although the vaccine could not completely prevent infection, it significantly reduced the proportion of symptomatic and severe cases. Third, it is related to the infected people. Most of the infected people are young adults, teenagers, the elderly, and those with underlying diseases are relatively few, so most of them have mild and asymptomatic infections.

Modern Express + reporters Li Mengya, Liu Guoqing, Ge Xiaolin, Lu Wenjie, Zhang Min, Song Tijia / Wen Zou Jiacheng / photo

(Modern Express All Media)