The post-90s girl was almost drugged and raped by an acquaintance! Don’t touch these 3 drinks and tell all girls!

A post-90s girl in Shenzhen once revealed that she was almost drugged by an acquaintance, which caused heated discussions among netizens.

The girl said that this male acquaintance, Zhao Moumou, met at a debate 4 years ago and was not so familiar.

Zhao Moumou asked her to meet for dinner. While she was away, he put medicine in the water glass and stirred it with his fingers. Maybe it was a little panic, and a lot of powder was sprinkled on the table where the two were eating.

Fortunately, a store clerk stumbled upon it and told the girl quietly.

The glass of water was taken away by the tactful clerk on the pretext of helping to refill it and kept as evidence (below).

At present, the public security organs have been involved in the investigation, and it is believed that Zhao Moumou will be brought to justice soon.

But this incident also reminded the fairies:

rape drugs, not far from you and me!

In March of last year, Lee Seung-ri of South Korean group BIGBANG was exposed to a “rape sexual hospitality” scandal.

Police found 800 “rape drugs” at his residence.

(Photo source: Weibo@pear video)

In China, there is no shortage of news stories about rape drugs harming women.

“rape drugs” are strictly controlled narcotic and psychotropic substances that have a depressing or excitatory effect on the central nervous system. When used illegally, they are explicitly classified as drugs.

For example, Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) used by Lee Seungri in South Korea is also known as obedient water, amnesia water, fairy water, and dating rape drug.

It is a state regulated “Class 1 psychoactive drug”, which can lead to a feeling of intoxication, relaxation, low alertness, and a Symptoms such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, and short-term amnesia appear.

Overdose may cause coma or liver failure.

In the event of drug poisoning, death may also occur due to vomiting, airway obstruction, and suffocation.

The scary thing is, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid is colorless and odorless, it is easy to be mixed in boiled water or beverages, and it usually takes 10~15 minutes after mistakenly ingested You will lose consciousness and wake up with no memory of what happened.

Illegal gamma-hydroxybutyric acid-added beverages have appeared in many entertainment venues.

They are often packaged as “functional beverages,” advertised as “happiest beverages,” “alcohol alternatives,” “new healthy recreational beverages,” etc. Misleading, inciting, deceiving people to try.

If you like to sing K or go to bars, be sure to remember these names:


“Kawa Zhen


If you encounter it, don’t try it out of curiosity.

Never believe that they will bring joy or refreshment if someone persuades you to try them.

Otherwise, when misfortune comes, you canYou don’t even have the chance to regret it.

(Image source: Tencent News)

In addition to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, other common “rape drugs” include ketamine, triazolam, flunitrazepam and more.

They are generally white or light blue tablets that are soluble in water or alcohol, and have little or no special taste or odor.

(Photo source: Weibo@People’s Daily)

Similar to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, various degrees of dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, hallucinations, temporary memory loss and other symptoms may occur after ingestion.

Coma may occur as the dose increases and is absorbed.

If these drugs are used for a long time, they can also cause heart, liver and kidney damage, cause irreversible sequelae, and even lead to death.

Unlawful elements often package “rape drugs” into snacks, drinks, etc., and wait for the opportunity to recommend them to “prey” in entertainment venues such as nightclubs, bars, and KTVs.

(Public security organs investigated and dealt with “rape drugs” disguised as various snacks and drinks. Image source: China Anti-Drug Network)

Little fairies are all good girls, and they all need to relax when they are so tired in life. It’s okay to go out for fun every now and then. But remember, you must be vigilant and protect yourself at all times.

Fairies have 4 ways to protect themselves:

1. Set SOS on your phone in advance before going out

ios’ built-in “SOS emergency contact” function can make emergency alarm + send real-time location to emergency contacts. Click the video below for a detailed tutorial.

After the setting is successful, press the wake-up screen key five times to start the emergency call. The mobile phone will also automatically send your location information to the emergency contacts you set in advance in the form of text messages, and update them in real time.

2. Ignore a stranger’s approach, just ignore it!

Try not to go alone to bars, nightclubs and other places with complicated environments.

If traveling alone, don’t let strangers get too close to you, and be sure to tell a trusted person your location while staying in touch, sending a message every few minutes.

Tell someone you trust to call you right away if you lose contact for more than 20 minutes. If you still can’t get in touch, call the police immediately! !

It’s the same thing when you drive alone at night.

It’s also best not to meet strangers alone, especially friends. If you must go, it is best to find someone you trust to accompany you.

3. Don’t let down your guard when it comes to acquaintances

A study of rape cases in Europe found that nearly 67% of rape perpetrators knew the victim!

Many rape cases involving the use of rape drugs are committed by acquaintances.

Like Moon Hyung-wook in the case of Room N in South Korea, after the incident, his classmates were very surprised and said:

” Wen Hengxu usually doesn’t talk much. He is a model student who is introverted and hard-working. It’s hard to imagine that he can do such a thing. It’s horrifying to think about it. The human-faced and beast-like classmates get along with each other.”

So, be wary of acquaintances!

4. Keep drinks out of sight

Beverages are the easiest to add to the drug.

If there are a group of people playing together in a bar, KTV, open-air concert, etc., the drink in your hand must not leave your sight.

Especially wide-mouthed cups are the most likely to be drugged.

(At the 2018 Brazilian Music Festival, this lady accidentally photographed someone putting something into her cup while taking a selfie. Fortunately, she did not drink the drink again. Image source: Tencent News)

Don’t let a friend watch your drink for you, either, because a friend can’t watch you with all your heart, and he’s not even a trustworthy person himself.

So even if it’s just a trip to the bathroom, don’t drink that glass of water when you come back.

In case, we say in case you get drugged and feel dizzy, you must stay as awake as possible.

It takes about 10-15 minutes from accidental ingestion to the effect of the medicine.

You can irritate the throat or base of the tongue with fingers to cause vomiting, spit out the contents of the stomach, and try to reduce the blood concentration.

Find a way to call someone around you or call the police, and get out of your area to a safe place, such as a nearby store, before your blood levels peak.

“rape drugs” can be detected by urine test. If you are unfortunately violated, you must actively cooperate with the police to collect evidence.

Reviewer: Song Chongsheng| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Psychiatry, Huilongguan Hospital, Beijing

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Dictionary. Unauthorized reprinting by media is prohibited. Illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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