The patient’s fee was only enough to operate on one arm, and a doctor’s decision made him get his wish

[Eating chili is so good? #Capsaicin can inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori# Containing dihydrocapsaicin ester can also lose weight [surprised]] According to @CCTV Net Kuaikan report: Recently, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom found that eating chili peppers can reduce digestion. tract cancer risk. Coincidentally, a gastroenterology research team from the University of Toronto in Canada also confirmed that capsaicin can inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, and regular consumption of peppers can prevent the occurrence of various gastric cancers. Some people smell spicy, some people don’t like it, and people with sensitive constitution or weak gastrointestinal function should not eat too much spicy food. In addition, peppers contain unique dihydrocapsaicin esters, which also have the effect of losing weight.