The patient’s arm was comminuted and fractured, and doctors from the First People’s Hospital of Ningyang County performed 5 operations to save the upper limb

Correspondent Sun Fengsong Liu Fangxiao

“I was working near the conveyor belt at the time, and the gloves I was wearing were caught in the conveyor belt.” Mr. Gu recalled, “At that time, I could no longer pull my hands out. The fingers have been squeezed in, and then the whole arm has also been rolled in.” “I heard that the workers with the condition rushed over, but no one has ever seen such a serious injury. The flesh on the arm was all turned out, and the bones The stubble is also exposed outside, and I’m almost scared.” After speaking, Mr. Gu rummaged through the photos of the injury on his mobile phone. An older worker hurriedly dialed the 120 emergency number, and Mr. Gu was sent to the First People’s Hospital of Ningyang County for treatment.

Xu Dong, deputy director of the Burns Department of No. 1 Burns Department, immediately checked Mr. Gu’s injury. “The injury is quite serious, and surgery must be arranged as soon as possible!” After a simple bandaging and X-ray examination, it was found that Mr. Gu had fractures of various degrees in his fingers, wrists, and forearms. Among them, the left ulna and radius were open comminuted fractures; the ulnar artery, The radial artery, median nerve, and ulnar nerve were extensively contused, and multiple tendons of the forearm were drawn out from the muscle abdomen. After eliminating the contraindications of surgery, the team from the Department of Burns and Anesthesiology, the operating room, carried out debridement, exploration, vascular and nerve repair, fracture reduction and internal fixation on Mr. Gu.

The operation started from 2:00 pm and continued until after 9:00 pm. In the operating room, The medical staff are constantly busy. After cleaning and disinfecting Mr. Gu’s wound several times, the nurses re-sterilized the sheets and replaced the surgical instruments after thorough debridement. The doctor firstly used steel plates and screws to fix the fractures after strict debridement; and then probed and repaired the blood vessels and nerves in the injured part under a microscope; then cleaned up to 7 tendon tissues one by one and buried them in the corresponding muscles. ; Finally, loosely suture the exfoliated muscle and skin, and cover the defect with VSD material and connect to a negative pressure device. After 7 hours of hard work, the patient’s arm was saved, but due to the serious injury, the patient may experience delayed necrosis, infection, nonunion or delayed union of fractures, and wrist dysfunction. In cases where reoperation is required. “Introduced by Han Xiaohua, director of the Burns Department of the No. 1 Burns Department outside the hand and foot. After the operation, Mr. Gu was pushed into the ward. At this time, he gradually regained consciousness, and the pain came slowly. He did not know whether his left arm would recover or not. , don’t know what it will look like in the future…

In the following 20 days, the team of the Burns Department of the First Division of Chiropractic and Foot Care worked for Mr. Gu After 5 surgeries, wound expansion, skin grafting, and VSD negative pressure suction. Mr. Gu’s arm has gradually improved, and his long-lost smile has hung on the corner of his mouth. “After getting along for more than a month, I really feel the care of the medical staff. It’s hard, they have to come back to work overtime whenever there is an emergency patient, sooner or later. An operation takes several hours, anyway, I can’t do this kind of work. Mr. Gu joked. At this time, Xu Dong came to change the dressing for Mr. Gu. He carefully cut off the gauze wrapped around his arm, gently wiped the wound on his arm, and disinfected the wound. “Does it still hurt? “Xu Dong asked while applying the potion. “Usually the pain is gone, but I can’t move. When will I be able to move?” Mr. Gu asked. Xu Dong explained patiently; “As the old saying goes, it takes 100 days to break a muscle and move a bone, and it will take 3 months for a comminuted fracture of the radius like yours. Now that you are recovering well, rest assured, you will get better. “At present, Mr. Gu has been treated for a month, and now he is ready to go home and rest.

External Hand and Foot Burn Department is a county with blood vessels, nerves Specialized department of microscopic repair treatment technology. At present, the department team has carried out replantation of severed fingers, replantation of severed limbs, reconstruction of fingers by toe transplantation, skin flap transplantation to repair wounds, microscopic repair of nerve and blood vessel injuries, hand and wrist injury , surgical treatment of foot and ankle fractures and tendon injuries, correction of hand and foot deformities, valgus correction, treatment of diabetic foot, surgical treatment of various peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes, and diagnosis and treatment of burns. Interrupted finger replantation, Replantation of amputated limbs, toe transplantation to reconstruct fingers, skin flap transplantation to repair wounds, and repair of nerve and blood vessel injuries won 5 scientific and technological progress awards. Provide high-quality professional medical services for the majority of patients.