“The patient’s airway is completely blocked!” Emergency surgery in the Chest Hospital successfully rescued the elderly with airway stenosis and critically ill lung cancer

The 73-year-old lung cancer patient Huang Laobo is facing the danger of suffocation at any time due to the deterioration of the disease and the severe narrowing of the airway! While strictly preventing and controlling the epidemic, Shanghai Chest Hospital urgently activated the emergency green channel. The respiratory endoscopy center, emergency department, and anesthesiology team cooperated with multiple departments to successfully perform emergency bronchoscopy intervention, removing the “blockage” for the elderly. things”, opened the channel of his life.

It is important to save people, the green channel is “anytime” for rescue

“The patient’s airway is completely blocked! It may suffocate at any time, It must be treated immediately!” At noon on April 21, Dr. Zhang Liang from the Emergency Department of the Chest Hospital received Mr. Huang. A month ago, he had been treated in a foreign hospital and had a tracheal stent installed, but the tumor progressed too fast. The old man had severe asthma and difficulty breathing. He couldn’t even eat, drink, or lie down. His condition was very critical!

Dr. Zhang immediately started the green channel process for emergency prevention and control of the hospital’s epidemic. While sampling Mr. Huang’s emergency nucleic acid, he immediately called the respiratory endoscopy center and the anesthesiology department for a joint emergency consultation.

“The patient is in critical condition. According to the epidemic prevention and control plan, emergency surgery will be started immediately!” Director Sun Jiayuan of the Respiratory Endoscopy Center rushed to the emergency room and quickly organized a team to formulate a treatment plan and decided to perform emergency bronchoscopy surgery. Open the airway for the patient. The team of director Wu Jingxiang of the Department of Anesthesiology also prepared an anesthesia guarantee plan for general anesthesia surgery. Race against time to save lives, it is urgent!

Multi-disciplinary collaboration, emergency surgery opens the way to life

In an independent emergency room, in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control , The medical staff involved in the rescue all put on “big white”.

The surgery has begun! Dr. Jiang Qiliang and Dr. Lu Xiaofei from the Department of Anesthesiology were skilled in operation and tacit cooperation, and quickly completed deep venous catheterization, induction of anesthesia and tracheal intubation, and escorted the endoscopic surgery throughout the process. Dr. Zheng Xiaoxuan, Dr. Chen Si and Technician Liu Shuaiyang from the Respiratory Endoscopy Center began to clear the tumor in the airway of the patient.

The intraoperative situation is more difficult than that shown by chest CT. The stent placed before the patient has been severely displaced under the compression of the tumor tissue, and it is “horizontal” above the carina, blocking the breathing passage. !

Relying on the excellent respiratory endoscopic technique, the surgical team removed the invalid stent for the patient, and also “cleaned up” the large and small tumor tissue in the trachea and right upper lung, opening up the airway for the patient to the greatest extent possible. , let him turn the corner!

Uncle Huang’s nucleic acid report is “negative”. Postoperative re-examination showed that the oxygen saturation of the elderly had returned to normal levels, and the function of the right lung had also recovered and expanded. This emergency operation not only saved the old man’s life, but also laid a good foundation for his follow-up anti-cancer treatment.

Author: Tang Wenjia< /p>

Editor: Jiang Peng

Responsible editor: Fan Liping

*Wenhui’s exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting.