The party flag is flying | Fort Town’s dense network and virus “race”

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Shanghai, which is at the peak of the epidemic, is facing a severe situation and should not slack off. Facing Omi Kron, the majority of party members and cadres charged on the front line, made tough moves, and resolutely won this big battle.


The bright party flag fluttered in the wind. Nucleic acid sampling services are delivered to people’s doorsteps. In view of the wide area of ​​rural areas and the large number of elderly people, Chongmingbao Town adopts the sampling mode of “village do nothing but do nothing” to carry out nucleic acid screening in different time periods and regions.

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The town of Fort is an area that was closed earlier after the outbreak. As the director of the town’s prevention and control office, Song Qingguo is one of the main persons in charge of the town’s epidemic prevention work. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, he has responded quickly and immediately established the Fort Town Epidemic Prevention and Control Action Team. This 6-person team established one person, one file for more than 2,000 at-risk groups in the town, and recorded the movement trajectories of the personnel in detail with a flow chart, which provided strong support for subsequent research and judgment. “Our advantage is that we have acquaintances in the town or village. Relatively speaking, we are more familiar with the situation of these people, so that we can do the transfer work more timely and comprehensively.”

One phone call leads to thousands of households, and the members of the action team work around the clock, just to be faster and faster.

In addition, grids woven by party members, volunteers and village cadres cover every corner of the village. They are inspectors, waiters, and propagandists. Each group of three people in the grid extends inspections and provides service guarantees for village residents in the closed area.

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To eradicate the epidemic in an all-round way, we must run ahead of the virus. Action teams, commandos, grid members, party members, cadres and the masses Charge on the front line, unite forces, and make every effort to build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control.

Reporter: Zhu Zhuojun< /span>

Editor: Gu Jiali
