The Party Branch of the Law Firm directly under Bayannaoer has carried out the activity of “100 Lawyers Entering the Countryside” to promote the construction of the rule of law in the countryside

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In order to give full play to the functions of the lawyer team and strive to meet the needs of the rural masses for legal services, recently, in the organization of the Party Committee of the Lawyers Industry in Bayannaoer Under the leadership, the party branches of all law firms adhere to the principle of being close to the grassroots, close to the masses, and close to reality, and go to the grassroots and villages to ensure that the people in the villages receive convenient and efficient legal services as soon as possible.

Since the mobilization and deployment of the “100 Lawyers Entering the Countryside” campaign, all law firms have focused on key tasks and further expanded the coverage of legal services , Planned, organized, step-by-step solid promotion of activities. The Party Branch of Inner Mongolia Riheng Law Firm entered Xiqu Village, Ganzhaomiao, Linhe District, and carried out a legal service activity with the theme of “helping the construction of rural villages under the rule of law”. Legal knowledge such as business law, private lending and other legal knowledge will be popularized, explained and analyzed, and the rural people will be guided to use legal means to correctly protect their legitimate rights and interests. Lawyers from Inner Mongolia Run’an Law Firm went to Huangyang Village, Ganzhaomiao Town, Linhe District to carry out legal publicity and legal consultation, and conducted a “legal physical examination” for township enterprises to consult and answer legal problems encountered by township enterprises in their operation and management. Escort for rural private enterprises. Lawyers from Inner Mongolia Mengnan Law Firm entered Yongqing Village, Bainaobao Town, Linhe District, and participated in on-site investigation and on-site mediation of disputes over rural land contractual management rights to help resolve conflicts and maintain social stability at the grass-roots level.

The “Hundreds of Lawyers Entering the Rural Areas” campaign will help build a platform for lawyers to serve the grass-roots party committees, governments and the rural masses, and actively Effectively help grass-roots party committees and governments to explore and deepen rural social management and governance methods; broaden legal service channels, reflect lawyers’ professional service level and sense of social responsibility, and enable grass-roots people to gradually form a law-learning, understanding, law-abiding, and usage attitude. Legal awareness injects strength into the construction of rural areas under the rule of law and the promotion of rural revitalization.

Bayannaoer Judiciary Contribution