The originator of the kidney-invigorating world, on the twenty magical uses of Jinkui Shenqi Pills

Today we continue to talk about kidney deficiency. In yesterday’s summary, a new medicine for tonifying kidney yang appeared – Jingui Shenqi Pill.

this medicine In fact, he is the ancestor of the kidney-tonifying world, although not as famous as Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

《Jinkui Yaolue·Xuebi consumptive disease pulse Syndrome and Treatment” states: “Bawei Shenqi Pills are used for those with low back pain due to consumptive exhaustion, urgency in the lower abdomen, and difficulty in urination.”


The original prescription of Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Zhang Zhongjing only used eight herbs: Dihuang , yam, dogwood, tuckahoe, Alisma, peony bark, cinnamon stick, aconite. The closest thing is the current Guifu Dihuang Wan.

Notable Yes, there was Bawei Dihuang Pill (Jingui Shenqi Pill), and later Qian Yi, a famous pediatrician in the Northern Song Dynasty, believed that children were pure yang, and removed the two warming and nourishing drugs from Bawei Dihuang Pill, aconite and cinnamon. .

became the famous Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and Liuwei Dihuang Wan was originally used to nourish the body for children and to treat children with congenital deficiencies and developmental delays, but it was gradually used to nourish the kidneys later.

We continue to return to the Jinkui Shenqi Pill, The Jinkui Shenqi Pills available on the market today are not “original” Jinkui Shenqi Pills.

Today’s Gold There are two more herbs in Kuishenqi Pill: Achyranthes and psyllium.

Okay, in order to avoid confusion, just remember that you can buy Guifu Dihuang Pills or Jinkui Shenqi Pills, the latter enhances the effect of diuresis and swelling.

The formulation of Jinkui Shenqi Pill was announced yesterday. The Uguimaru chapter has already been discussed. Now to review:

Gold Kuishen Qi Pills consists of Shudi 8 liang, yam 4 liang, mountain dogwood meat 4 liang, Poria 3 liang, Danpi 3 liang, Alisma 3 liang, Fuzi (Pao ) one tael, one tael of Guizhi, a total of eight herbs.

The main medicine is Rehmannia glutinosa, with dogwood, yam, Liver, spleen and kidney tonic: Rehmannia glutinosa to nourish the kidney, dogwood to nourish the liver, and Chinese yam to nourish the spleen; it is three tonic.

Poria and Alisma, Paeonol, Huoxue Diuresis, Jointly regulate the drainage of water and liquid; it is three discharges.

Add body fluid to the first six herbs and remove waste water, Aconite guizhi is responsible for pushing a handful, replenishing the energy in the water, making the kidney water active, generating yang qi and radiating yang fire.

That is to say, this recipe is to replenish body fluids , The idea of ​​draining waste water and then replenishing the water with energy, the liver, spleen and kidney are tonic together, warm the kidney to help the yang, and warm the yang to dredge the pulse.

is Zhang Zhongjing’s “Those who are good at tonifying the yang must be good at nourishing the yin. Demonstration of the medication idea of ​​”Zhongqiuyang”.

What diseases can Jinkui Shenqi Pill treat?

At least 20 of the following conditions can be treated:



Coronary Heart Disease

“Coronary heart disease” and “angina pectoris” belong to the categories of “chest pain”, “heart pain” and “true pain” in traditional Chinese medicine. The Shenqi Pill has the functions of invigorating the kidney qi and diuretic water, and can effectively treat the disease.

Based on the golden kidney Qi Pill can also be used to treat bradyarrhythmias, such as sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial and atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome, supraventricular and ventricular escape beats, etc.

Usage: 2 times a day, 1 pill each time .


chronic heart failure

Chronic heart failure is a common and frequently-occurring disease in clinical practice, mainly characterized by dyspnea, edema and fatigue.

Usage: Jinkui Shenqi Pill Decoction Fang Fuzixin Warms the heat, warms the kidneys and warms the earth to help clear the yang; Cinnamon twig warms the heart and yang, transforms qi and benefits water; Poria and Alisma invigorate the spleen and invigorate the spleen;

In clinical application, Atractylodes Rhizoma and Coix Seed can be added to enhance Qi, spleen and water; , Sandalwood and the like enhance the power of qi and blood circulation; Rehmannia glutinosa, dogwood, yam nourish the Yin liquid of the first and last days, cultivate the essence, nourish the yin and dredging the pulse, and the effects of warming and tonifying the kidney qi, Tongyang and water are prominent.



Insomnia is more common with difficulty falling asleep at night, insomnia, dizziness in the morning, inability to concentrate, accompanied by backache, pale tongue with thin white coating, and thin and weak pulse.

Fear of kidney damage, If you like to dream at night, and dream of conflict with others and being chased by others, it is kidney deficiency.

Usage: Add salvia, jujube seed, oyster, etc. treatment, the effect is remarkable.


Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis Allergic rhinitis is an allergic disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is the dysfunction of the viscera, and the three organs are mainly responsible for the lung, spleen and kidney. Caused by the nose.

Usage: Take 2 times a day, each time 9g, at the same time, take bronchitis cough phlegm and asthma pills twice a day, 30 capsules each time, continuous medication for 1 month as a course of treatment.


emphysema, bronchial asthma

In emphysema, bronchial asthma In remission or later stage, it is often manifested as kidney insufficiency syndrome. Clinical use of Jinkui Shenqi Pill often achieves good results.

Usage: On this basis, Schisandra chinensis, walnut meat, dodder, etc. can be added to invigorate the kidney and absorb qi. Phlegm can be combined with Erchen Decoction and Sanzi Yangqin Decoction.


Chronic bronchitis< /strong>

Chronic bronchitis is a common and frequently-occurring disease in clinical practice.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chronic bronchitis recurs repeatedly, chronic illness affects the kidneys, and the kidneys do not accept qi. There is a word in traditional Chinese medicine called qi returning to the field, which means that people’s breathing depends not only on the nose, but also on the chest. The abdomen should also rise and fall along with the breathing, and the essence of the person can be merged into the kidneys and sealed with each breath.

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As for people with kidney deficiency, the function of the kidneys to absorb qi is weakened. After walking a few steps, they will gasp for a while. If they do a little work, they have to sit down and rest for a while, and it will be more difficult to go up and down the stairs. It is prone to breathing more and less breathing, and even panting when moving.

Usage: strong>Take 1 pill each time, 3 times a day, for half a month as a course of treatment.



< p data-track="119">Primary dysmenorrhea see abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, cold hands and feet, sweating on head and face, delayed menstruation, light color, no blood clot, thin vaginal discharge, more common The body is thin, the complexion is pale, and the limbs are weak.

Usage: Jinkui Shenqi Pill and Warming Meridian are clinically administered Tang addition and subtraction conditioning.


Oral ulcers

Patients with recurrent oral ulcers that have not been cured for a long time usually have grayish-white complexion, mental fatigue, weakness in the waist and knees, loose stools and clear long urine, pale tongue with white coating, a large pulse, weak to press, and weak chi pulse.

Usage: Take orally half an hour before meals, every time 3 times a day.


Stomach and duodenal ulcers

The main symptoms of patients with deficient cold-type gastric and duodenal ulcers include dull pain in the epigastric region, preference for warmth and massage, cold limbs (especially the two feet), pale tongue, Weak pulse etc.

Usage: Take 1 pill each time, once in the morning and once in the evening.



The main symptoms of hypertension patients with spleen-kidney yang deficiency include dizziness, headache, irritability, Easy to wake up during sleep, difficult to fall asleep after waking up, sore back, weak legs, weakness of lower limbs, chills, loose stools, pale tongue with tooth marks, white coating, thin pulse, etc.

Usage: Take 1 pill each time, morning and evening 1 time.



Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney opens orifices in the two yin, which is the function of opening and closing . Therefore, patients with kidney qi deficiency may experience symptoms such as constipation and urinary incontinence.

Usage: 1 pill each time, 3 servings per day times, continuous medication for 15 days as a course of treatment.


Low back pain

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that low back pain is mostly caused by liver and kidney insufficiency, wind-cold attacking collaterals, and obstruction of meridians. Mainly responsible for wind-cold dampness and traumatic blood stasis.

usage : Jingui Shenqi Pill Decoction combined with Duhuo Jiji Decoction with modified and subtracted treatment can achieve better curative effect.



Usage: Take Jinkui Shenqi Pill, 2 pills (18 grams) each time, take it once in the morning, noon and night, with warm water.

10 days is a course of treatment. Generally 1 to 3 courses of treatment can be taken.


Frequency, incontinence, weakness, waiting for urine, enuresis< /p>

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I urinate a lot from day to night. It’s strange. I don’t drink much water, but I urinate a lot, especially at night. Sometimes I just lie down and feel the urge to urinate Now, go to the toilet quickly, but sometimes you can only squeeze a little out, just like the faucet that can’t be turned tightly, dripping dripping water is always there.

Golden Guishen Qi The therapeutic effect of the pill is two-way. If there is a lot of urine and the urine cannot be collected, you can use it;

Usage: 8 pills each time, 3 times a day .


Heel pain

The famous Chinese medicine doctor Qin Bowei pointed out: “Heel pain, although it is a minor illness, should be taken seriously.”

Usage: 1 pill each time, 3 servings per day times, continuous medication for 15 days as a course of treatment.


Dry mouth

If you have a dry mouth, no matter how much water you drink, what you lack is not water, but a surge of yang qi. There is not enough yang qi and insufficient gasification. No matter how much water you drink, you will not be able to Evaporate into the mouth.

This is like a stove There is a pot of water on it. If you don’t turn on the fire, the water will not change in any way. The lid of the pot still looks dry, but if you burn a small fire under the pot, the water in the pot will gradually heat up. When it boils, the steam will steam up, and the lid will be very moist.


Lower extremity edema

Put a hole on the leg. When I go to bed at night, when I take off my socks, the socks often make a mark around my calf, which is swollen.

Yang cannot The water in the body evaporates and vaporizes, and accumulates in the lower half of the body to form lower extremity edema. The treatment idea at this time is to dilute the water and reduce the swelling, so that the water is discharged from the feces. We mentioned earlier that there is Achyranthes in the Jinkui Shenqi Pill And psyllium, psyllium is a diuretic, can make the urine unobstructed, and Achyranthes is used for the treatment of lower body diseases.


Hair loss

Jinkui Shenqi Pill can treat hair loss due to kidney deficiency. If there is insufficient kidney qi, the hair will not be able to hold back. When you comb your hair, it will break and fall out. Like autumn leaves, crumbling.

At this time, Jinkui Shenqi Pills can be used to invigorate kidney yang and consolidate essence qi.


Foot Dermatology

Many people’s heels will be dry and peeling in autumn and winter. When they are touched by hand, they are as rough as linen. In severe cases, they may even crack and bleed. “.

Heel this place, It happens to be the route that the Kidney Meridian follows, and it is like the chief of this area, who governs this area. So if the heel hurts, or the heel is cracked, you must first consider whether the meridian of the kidney meridian is insufficient.


Cardiac relaxation

Cardiac laxity is prone to vomiting after eating, fear of food and cold, weight loss and fatigue, pale complexion, loose stools, and symptoms of stomach yang deficiency and cold, rotten and weak. The main clinical manifestations are dysphagia, nausea, retrosternal pain, and weight loss. Treatment is based on warming the stomach and dispelling cold. Add flavor to Jinkui Shenqi Pill.

< span>Jinkui Shenqi Pills have ready-made medicines, which can be purchased and used directly without decoction. Of course, you can also come to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital to prescribe a decoction.

Fry it at home, the advantage is that you can flexibly adjust the type of medicine according to your situation and dosage.

Any medicine has a medication cycle, we do not advocate blindly taking medicine to the end , because your symptoms and physical condition will dynamically adjust with the medication.

In general, The recommended dosage of Jinkui Shenqi Pill is about 4 weeks. For different diseases, the required period will be different.

Typically, the timing of administration is as follows:

It takes 4-8 weeks to improve the soreness and weakness of the waist and knees caused by kidney yang deficiency. Follow-up consultation to adjust medication;

It takes 10-30 days to improve the symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia caused by kidney yang deficiency, and 10 days can be used as a stage to see whether the medication needs to be adjusted;

It takes 21-35 days to improve senile urinary incontinence caused by kidney yang deficiency, with a 7-day medication cycle .

Adjust medication based on improvement.

Special attention: this medicine contains aconite, which is poisonous. Long-term overdose should not be taken. Stop taking during colds!


Although there are no major taboos in daily health care However, in clinical prescriptions, the patient’s body is already out of balance, and urgent solutions are needed. The discrimination of taboos should be treated dialectically.

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