The old man suddenly lost more than ten kilograms, it was originally a tumor twice the size of the kidney

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, May 18th (Correspondent Jian Jie) The seventy-year-old man lost more than ten kilograms inexplicably in the past month. Tumors close to the size of two kidneys, combined with inferior vena cava tumor thrombus, are life-threatening at any time. Faced with this complex situation, multidisciplinary experts collaborated to successfully remove the “bomb” hidden in the elderly.

The 71-year-old grandpa Li (surname changed) was taking a bath at the beginning of the year when he suddenly felt a small protruding lump on the right side of his abdomen, which was neither painful nor itchy to the touch. Because he had a lipoma, Grandpa Li thought it was a new lipoma and didn’t care. Two months ago, Grandpa Li felt that eating was tasteless. Although he still insisted on a normal diet, he was losing weight day by day.

At the end of April, Grandpa Li went to the Houhu District of Wuhan Central Hospital for treatment due to constipation. During the examination, he was found to have a huge space-occupying lesion in the right kidney and was transferred to the Urology Department of the hospital. Further examination revealed that there were multiple tortuous vascular shadows around the mass of the right kidney, and there were also calcifications in the right lobe of the liver. The most dangerous tumor thrombus was the inferior vena cava, which had grown to the level of the hepatic vein and was relatively close to the right atrium.

Due to the complicated intra-abdominal situation, the operation involves the blockage and reconstruction of many organs such as the kidney, liver, vena cava, renal vein, and heart, and the risk is very high. Tumor emboli fall off, directly endangering life. To this end, Guo Yonglian, director of the urology department of the hospital, invited experts from multiple disciplines, including the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Anesthesiology, Department of Imaging, and Diagnostic Ultrasound, to conduct a joint consultation, and finally decided to use surgery to remove the “bomb in Grandpa Li’s body.” “.

Director Guo Yonglian conducts post-operative examination for Daddy Li.

On April 29th, everything was ready. Multidisciplinary experts walked into the operating room together. After 6 hours of intense surgery, they successfully completed the right radical resection of the kidney for Grandpa Li. Inferior vena cava tumor thrombus removal, not only removed the 8-centimeter-long tumor thrombus “like a stink in the throat”, but also removed two kidney-sized tumors. After the operation, under the careful care of the medical staff, the old man successfully overcome the complications such as bleeding, infection, and lower extremity venous thrombosis. He recovered well and was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Guo Yonglian, director of the Department of Urology of Wuhan Central Hospital, said that if the kidney tumor is large, it is easy to form tumor thrombus in the renal vein and inferior vena cava. Once the thrombus falls off, it may cause fatal pulmonary embolism at any time. Sex is great. The early symptoms of kidney tumors are generally relatively insidious, and may include symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, anemia, cough and hemoptysis.

“Therefore, regular physical examinations are very important for the detection of early kidney tumors. It is recommended that citizens undergo urology-related specialist examinations during physical examinations.” Director Guo Yonglian reminded that when you find changes in your body, even if There is no obvious discomfort, and you cannot be paralyzed or self-diagnosed. You should go to the hospital for medical help in time to avoid delaying diagnosis and treatment.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]