The official guide is here, Chinese people should drink more milk

On April 26, the Chinese Nutrition Society released the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022 Edition)”, which is known as the Chinese “Eating Collection” after a lapse of six years.

Dietary guidelines are the basic documents for health education and public policy, and an important technical support for the country to implement the “Healthy China Action” and “National Nutrition Plan”. The Dietary Guidelines are a guiding document that transforms the existing evidence research on dietary nutrition and health into a food-based balanced diet based on food production and supply and the actual living conditions of residents in various countries. The “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” was first published in 1989 Since then, my country has carried out three revisions in 1997, 2007 and 2016, which have played an important role in guiding residents to change their nutritional health status, prevent chronic diseases and enhance their health quality through a balanced diet at different times.

The Chinese Nutrition Society organized nearly 100 experts to revise the dietary guidelines again. The scientific principles of nutrition and the latest scientific evidence, combined with the relevant requirements of the current epidemic prevention and control and the suppression of food waste, have formed the “Research Report on the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents”, and successfully completed the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” on this basis.

The new edition of the Dietary Guidelines has extracted eight principles for a balanced diet: 1. Diverse foods and mix them reasonably; 2. Eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight; 3. Eat more fruits and vegetables, dairy, whole grains, and soybeans; 4. , eat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderation; 5. reduce salt and oil, control sugar and limit alcohol; 6. eat regularly and drink enough water; 7. know how to cook and choose, and read labels; 8. divide meals with chopsticks, Avoid waste.

In the article “Resident Income Continues to Increase Steadily and Consumption Expenditure Continues to Recover” issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, it shows that China’s per capita milk consumption in 2021 14.4kg, equivalent to 40g, can only reach 13.3% of the recommended amount of 300g. In view of the low level of actual milk consumption by Chinese residents, the new guide recommends that the daily intake of milk and dairy products per person in China should reach 300g to 500g , this is also one of the larger changes compared to the 2016 version.

Adolescents have always been the focus group. Strong young people make the country strong, and young people are wise and the country is wise. Mengniu student milk is committed to improving the health of children and adolescents, and has always played a positive role in the health of children and adolescents. In February 2022, the “14th Five-Year Plan” for improving the competitiveness of the dairy industry issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China clearly supports and promotes the milk drinking plan for students. When the country launches the new version of the guidelines, the students feel more responsible for milk. . It is an obligatory responsibility and mission to make a good cup of milk with your heart. Shandong Mengniu Student Milk is willing to join hands with people with lofty ideals from all walks of life to actively respond to the new dietary guidelines, the “14th Five-Year Plan” dairy industry competitiveness improvement action and the new crown dietary guidance plan to jointly protect the healthy growth of young people.